Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Nebraska Primary!

Finally its here. The end of political ads put forth by two bigoted fascists and a nice fascist.

From left:

Charles W Herbster, Trump ass licker and alleged young girl groper.

He is endorsed by Trump, which only endears him to really dumb people. He ran his last ads featuring Trump at a rally in a red hat looking like a lumbering sasquatch while Herbster is a short little man in a giant cowboy hat. Herbsters ads also featured him looking for the dead wife vote. His wife died in 2017 and he really wants you to know that. That was pre-groping I assume. What freedom a dead wife brings guys like him. 

Brett Lindstrom, nice guy misogynist and general asswipe

Lindstrom was positive throughout the campaign. He attacked nobody. He featured his cute kids and still alive wife and really said nothing. He surged in the polls. Then came the attack ads from the other two. They attacked him endlessly about being an alleged lib, I assume because he comes across as the kind of guy who'd help you do your taxes for free. Or he'd go with you to the Mexican restaurant without blurting out a racial slur the whole time he was eating a cheeseburger and fries. His poll numbers began to decline. Then Lindstrom went all pro lifey in his last ads. NO ABORTIONS EVER! EVER!!! I hope the dumbo Democrats who switched parties to vote for this Trojan Horse feel stupid.

Jim Pillen, fumble recoverer and general privilged prick just like his mentor, Pete Ricketts

Pillen never wavered. Yeah I hate Mexicans and I wont apologize for it ads. Im all Goddy and love Jesus and will throw women who even fucking think about abortion in jail. He brought the grandkids and wife into the ads and tried to seem nice by making pig jokes (since hes a pig farmer and all lol). Alle he came across was like a guy who reads the Bible, condemns you for yawning in church, and has some sort of leather dungeon someplace in Columbus. But hey, he once fell on a fumble 44 years ago. Nebraskans love that kind of shit.

I have no idea who will win. Since the Republicans dominate this state thanks to 99% GOP registration in the dying towns and small cities with clever names like North Platte, Columbus and Scottsbluff. The primary is basically the general election since Nebraska Democrats are fairly inept and never win. I mean come on now, Pete Ricketts, a real prick, won twice here.

That's our state. A real mess. Soon to be messier I'm sure. The Good Life, if you're white, male and privileged.

PS--The guy for throwing all the "illegals" in jail and then out of the country, the guy who is afraid of the "radical transgender agenda", the guy who is man of "God" yet needs to stop the non existent CRT and ignore the wrongs of American history, the guy who was in the right place at the right time and fell on a fumble in a goddamned football game 44 years ago, the guy backed by a rich punk named Ricketts, a guy who is in general nothing more than a phony "Christian" bigot won the GOP nomination.

But hey at least Trumps fellow handsy motherfucker lost though right?

I am not consoled.

The Good Life. Yeah right.

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