Friday, April 1, 2022

Insulin,It Does A Body Good! No Really!

 There it is. Proof that 193 members of the Republican House dont give a rats ass about anybody but their pharmaceutical donors. 193 House Republicans hemmed and hawed and dragged out the socialism screed and made sure that everyone knew they were true blue American capitalists who believe in the free market system, and oh yeah, Citizens United and big fat campaign contributions. 

Insulin costs have risen since 1999 when a vial of insulin cost about $20 to now when its $300-$400 if you're insured and up to $900 if you are not. If you are not insured, thats a whole different argument that these 193 Republicans can show their utter lack of humanity. But this bill, right here, caps the insulin at $35 a month. And considering the explosion in the number of diabetics in this country this would be a damned godsend to a considerable number these GOP critters constituents, who might get so angry they would vote to re elect these monsters with a frown on their face.

But now the bill goes to the Senate where 10 Republicans will need to grow a conscience AND a set of nads because of that whole filibuster shit propped up by a West Virginia yacht owner and an Arizona goofball. And the Republicans have their own law they like better. Which of course is a bill written by the insurance industry and does nothing to help the cost of a life saving drug. Another bill, written by the pharmaceutical industry directly opposes the insurance industry bill. Oh boy its Goliath Vs Goliath.

So will insulin be lowered to $35 a month? We all know the answer to that. The GOP stops anything to benefit people, yet they are favored to win the House? Its stunning that people vote against themselves so often.

All 193 of those fuckin Repubs should be on a billboard yesterday. But what about Hunter Bidens laptop? Gawd this country's attention span is deader than Will Smith's dignity.

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