Sunday, March 27, 2022

The Thomases!!

 I grew up 4 blocks from this woman, the former Virginia Lamp, now Ginni Thomas. I went to college with her in Lincoln in the late 1970s. I was in classes with her. I knew of her parents, right wing 1970s whack jobs constantly writing letters to the local paper espousing their even for the 70s crazy views. My Dad would say hey check out the latest Lamp letter because he knew that I would scoff if not holler. Yep, Dad knew my buttons. In college classes, Ginni Lamp was the 1950s minded conservative in a class of 1970s idealistic libs. I remember the one particular instance where a heated exchange, started by me, resulted in her defending Tailgunner Joe McCarthy. Her and I went at for a bit, then the rest of the class jumped in. She was alone. Like now. The highly educated Professor, a very smart female PHD, called me to her desk after class and told me to start shit like that more often and that Ginni was just kooky enough to be dangerous some day. Thats my Ginni Lamp story.

When she married Clarence Thomas in the 80's, my parents, kind of Lamp--o-philes, were highly amused that this woman was marrying a black man. The scenarios they imagined turned out to be true as one of Ginni's aunts said OUT LOUD, all the conservative views he had "made up for the fact he was black". Yep, one of her best friends is now black.

Ginni Lamp's mind has aged like moldy cheese you forget about it in the back of the fridge. Its there, it doesnt bother you, and then one day you pull it out and about puke. Ginni has always been a nut, a whack job behind the scenes running various groups of fellow crazies trying to install her vision of America, a 1950s Joe McCarthy blacklist USA. 

Thomas' texts with vote fraud enthusiast Mark Meadows on January 6th are troubling at best. She openly advocated overthrowing a fair election. Her devotion to a cult leader, a criminal, a dumbfuck, is also troubling. And now, sinceadvicariing her texts are public, there seems to be a gigantic shrug on the part of the powers that be who actually have power. Clarence Thomas was the lone SCOTUS vote to keep that information private, but of course per Ginni, they dont talk politics. Shit, they dont have to, they are the same person like most couples married 40 years.

Look, Clarence Thomas violates the ethics rules every time he votes on an election issue. Yet he continues to do so. Theyre not going to do anything in the Congress about it, after all hundreds of Congress people voted the same way Ginni Thomas texted about. No consequences for them because JFC gas prices are really high. 

I'm beginning to think that back in the 70s when an entire poly sci class attacked the neanderthal views of a 20 something future right wing lawyer that was a aberration. I'm pretty sure most of those people either moved out of the backwards ass state or modified their views and now holler MAGA at anybody who looks like they don't have a gun stuck in their pants. Its extremely disheartening to see we have gone backwards in this state and country from 50 years ago. Or have we?

The Ginni Thomas's have always been there,  advocating right wing dictatorship where they ship us libs to Gitmo (yeah she actually said that). Its just one person lifted the rock they lived under and out they slithered.

Its time to call the snake wranglers.

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