Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Gorsuch The Gross!

 Remember back when Moscow Mitch McConnell stole a Supreme Court seat by betting on the longshot sure loser named The Former Guy? When the Former Guy lied and cheated his way to the victory by getting 3 million less votes than the Email Lady, McConnell had his 20-1 shot come in. Merrick Garland was forgotten and up popped Neil Gorsuch, a kind of white Clarence Thomas filling a seat on the 10th Circuit Court in Denver.

When the Former Guy, after getting approval from the masters at the Federalist Society, nominated Gorsuch to the stolen seat. The Federalist Society is a kind of cauldron of evil that was formed to mulake sure Republican administrations didn't nominate any more David Souters or Earl Warrens or John Paul Stevens who wandered off the white supremacist plantation now and then and fucked up the descent into fascism we now face. So any judicial nominee must get the Seal of Approval from this band of boiler room Nazis.

Gorsuch was given the hearing before the Senate where Minnesota Senator Al Franken brought up the Case of the Frozen Truck Driver. A driver was hauling met across an Illinois when the -25 degree temps and an empty fuel tank forced the man to pull the truck over. Brakes froze, the heater quit working and the driver unhooked the trailer and drove away leaving the poor meat alone to save his own life. The meat got delivered after truck repairs but the company fired the driver for abandoning his meat. He sued and won his case but on appeal, Judge Neil Gorsuch sided with the company, basically saying the man should have died to protect corporate meat. The Corporation is the State and must be adhered to. Yep, Franken exposed Gorsuch for what he was, a corporate hack willing to risk lives to protect the bottom line. So yeah, Gorsuch is a jackoff. Thats a fact proven that day to any decent person.

Gorsuch got approved after McConnell blew up the filibuster (whaaaaaat?) to confirm his lackey ass. And thus a 50 year old man who rooted for Scrooge and Mister Potter is now on the Court for the rest of my natural life playing syndicate groupie for the business oligarchs.

But now, though Gorsuch's pro-megacorp decisions can be legitimately argued, his recent decision about real life, about everyday interaction between human beings is the most abhorrent thing he's ever done.

Most decent human beings will adhere to others problems, others health, others lifestyle, others beliefs to not offend. Being a kind person is not hard. We do it everyday. But oh no, Neil Gorsuch will NOT wear a mask to help protect his fellow justice, Sonya Sotemayor, who suffers from diabetes and would be at risk with a Covid diagnosis. Nope, and though he sits right next to her on the court bench, Gorsuch has gone all Ayn Rand on his fellow justice and will not wear a simple mask. For fucks sake, even Thomas, Beer Boy and Coathanger Barrett deferred to her health risks and wore a mask. But Gorsuch the folksy fascist who spun tales of walking to rodeos with his daughter apparently was too inconvenienced to put on a mask.

So the guy who caters to oligarchs and tyrants has entered a new zone. The Narcissist Zone. The Jerk Zone. The Putz Zone. The Self Indulgent Zone. The Me Zone. Sounds like the guy who nominated him. Unfortunately with lifetime terms, Gorsuch will not be the Former Guy soon.

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