Friday, November 19, 2021

Kyle The Killer!

 Well he is on the right side of the political fence. You know the gun nut afraid of black people itchin to kill somebody side. The side that gets Mommy to drive little Kyle across state lines with an illegal weapon to "protect" private property from the rampaging blacks burning the whole city to the ground because hey Im sick of video games and T***P night not be re elected and this is practice.

Kyle the Killer was set free today. Set free in a state where apparently you can shoot black folks 7 times in the back and kill two white protesters and severely wound another for daring to take the side of justice. Thus now every white gun kook with a lot of free time and the standard issue AR 15 and lots of military equipment can go to a protest they dont like and gun down people at will. Or at least thats what the mayonnaise militia morons think. 

Between that and the yeah go ahead and run people over at protests laws the GOP Fascists have passed I am really afraid its too goddamn late  to change this. I hope I'm wrong.

Ive never shot a gun in my life. I hate guns. Im not fond of hunting. But today I understand the saying "liberals have guns too".

1 comment:

  1. The only person I've known who fits the Kyle R. description of a right wing gun nut ended up in the ER with an accidentally self-inflicted gunshot wound; blew half his foot off. He still thinks Mexico is poised to invade at any minute and has lived for years in constant fear of "someone" invading his home (despite his 99% white county location). He's "vocal", on Facebook and his bumper. But that's all he's seems capable of - I doubt he's traveled more than 20 miles from his house in the last 10 years. The point being some proportion of these people, like the dude I know, are what my Texas cousins would call "all hat, no horns".
