Sunday, February 28, 2021

CPAC 2021!

 Yeah its the annual gathering of the nuts, CPAC 2021, this time live from Florida where none of the attendees need to wear a mask. No need to protect others or themselves from the T***P virus hoax. Where they can let Jesus or Satan or you know who protect them from all evils near and far, like socialism or reality.

The first thing the insurrectionists running this little Cop Killer Woodstock did was cancel culture a black wingnut named Young Pharaoh , who had some very strange things to say about Jews. So cancel culture the black kid, they really didnt want any of them there anyway. The second thing they did was construct a stage in the shape of an Nazi SS symbol, haha, a little dig at the libs, or anybody else with a sense of humanity. Madison Cawthorn, wheel chair bound Hitler enthusiast, who doesn't seem to understand his heroes would have wheeled his dumb ass right to the showers, probably was mind fucking Himmler when he saw it.

The third thing was the sight of a Mexican made Golden Calf  , T***P being wheeled into place for the evangelical Bible thumpers to worship without realizing the irony of the moment. The Golden T***P was quite popular among the Cult 45 members who wished for a Myanmar type takeover of this Biden government that got thoroughly routed by hundreds of millions of votes proved by the fact Biden rallies didnt have as many attendees as the rallies they went to because Covid is a hoax and all. PROOF!!!

The CPAC 2021 list of speakers contained the most insurrectionist sympathetic list of goons perhaps since 1937 at Nuremberg.

You could sit back and watch Josh Hawley (Moron-Mo) double down on his overthrow attempt. Ted Cruz, looking refreshed and tan, scream FREEDOM! like a lunatic while his constituents froze and died back in Texas. Donald Trump Jr (Cokehead-NY) express his outrage over cancel culturing the Muppets while sniffing like a stopped up camel. Can this guy just OD already? Lauren Boebert (Coup Conspiracist-Co) saying no more times than she ever has in her life combined . Marsha Blackburn (Dumbest Woman in Senate Ever-TN) soft talking her condescending bullshit. You could watch people stand in line to get a selfie with butter faced bigot Marjorie Taylor Greene (Gym Banger-Ga).

Oh its an insurrectionist heaven. There isnt one person there who if the FBI raided the place wouldn't be detained for days, if not years. But hey its America . The God given white nationalist playground that got all stained by Slaves and Mexicans and Asians and uppity chicks and the homos. The CPAC 2021, given a hall pass, would eradicate all of that, and is attempting to do it now via voter suppression laws so that only white people can elect other white people who will keep them privileged and in white only sub standard housing and trailer parks living the good life.

Insurrectionist Heaven will conclude with a speech from the Golden God himself . The only True Leader who will totally be re installed on March 4th  or May 19th or whenever the next date is dreamed up by internet con artists. 

One man who declined to participate, probably for good reason, was Mike Pence, the guy the Golden One put a hit on back on the 6th of January. Had he shown up, Pence would have been booed at best, and strung up at worst as the insurrectionists completed their failed mission.

All bow at the feet of the Grifter in Chief. The con continues. The GQP. Ya gotta feel a tinge of pity at the rube-ness of this bunch. At least as the jail door slams.

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