Monday, August 17, 2020

Kiwi Envy!

I cant keep up. Every day every hour this country drops further into the abyss. And is led by an orange Lucifer enabled by what can only be described as collaborators, traitors, racists and the truly stupid.

Yesterday the Degrader in Chief flew into Minnesota and babbled on about talking to God and yammering about "crummy" colleges and dumb people and crummy people and rolling his eyes back in his head as trained monkeys applauded. What it is that causes people to applaud a mentally ill madman is just beyond my comprehension but there they are.

The Monster in Chief decided to gloat at the "surge" of Covid cases in New Zealand. New Zealand is led by a nasty woman named Jacinda Ardern who eradicated the Trump Virus for over 100 days before it "exploded" with a "massive" 9 cases. Trump, a dimwitted American orangutan , and obvious inferior to a Kiwi female, said the New Zealand government had bragged about zero covid cases just to "show me something". Yeah, President Pandemic, they showed how to successfully handle a global pandemic. Your "plan" to keep the Dow Jones high, encourage people to inject bleach, discourage mask use and try to keep a base of  older susceptible boneheads alive until November really sucked.

Somehow, an duly elected human being tries to insist that 22 deaths is far worse than 170,000 deaths and still maintains 40% support. Nobody on earth has fucked this up more than the greatest shithole nation in the world and anyone with the IQ of a fly knows it. Yet the Virus in Chief continues to blame China, Europe, Democrats, Antifa, crummy people, blue states, Minneapolis, Portland, Fauci, Birx, Persons, Women, Men, TV and anybody but the obvious culprit.

The Democrats begin to unravel tonite. Be assured, this virus called Trump and his gangsters are ready. Toughen up.

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