Saturday, June 29, 2019


Out of the closets and into the streets! 50 years ago the Stonewall "riots" occurred when the NYPD did what the NYPD did best at the time, acted like assholes and raided a bar called the Stonewall Inn. Some of the patrons of Stonewall had had enough and did what others had done in other parts of the country before, they fought back. It was about time.

The Stonewall Inn is generally regarded as the beginning of the gay rights movement because every rights movement has to have a starting point. Oh I know that other gays fought back before 6/28/69, and I know Rosa Parks wasnt the first black woman to refuse to give up her seat, and I know that there were other women before Susan B that fought back, but we need a start. Lets not get too deep into the woods here. Thats the problem with people too close to movement, they know too goddamned much and cant wait to let you know. Democrats take note.

Stonewall may have been a beginning, and to think its 50 years ago boggles my mind. I mean back in 1969 I probably still thought the Stonewall Inn was some confederate bar named after Stonewall Jackson. I didnt know. Christ back in 1969 I am not sure I even knew what a homosexual was. Hey there was no internet then and I was in Catholic school in the Midwest so give me a break.

The difference here is that after Rosa Parks and Selma and King legislation to protect blacks came relatively quickly. Voting Rights Acts and Civil Rights Acts were passed with relatively little opposition. Though it was and still is not as effective as it should be, it was at least an effort. Gays cannot say that. There was a "riot" but nothing changed. It just meant that certain courageous folks suddenly didnt give a rats ass what you thought and let it be known this who I am and if you dont like it fuck off. But that was in big cities.

Those of us in the sticks never saw that progress. Throughout the 70's and 80's the 90s the 2000s and right up to today there is still opposition to any kind of protection for the rights of people born gay. And lets face it, its one party that blocks this kind of progress. The Party of Trump. Living in the Midwest, the out of the closet and into the streets attitude is not 50 years old. It is getting better. I mean the number of openly gay co workers I have and the corporate acceptance of this fact is heartening. Its progress and for tghis part of the country I will take anything I can get.

Thats why when the Annual Gay Pride was held today in Omaha I was there cheering on my fellow human beings. The sheer size of this parade in 100 degree heat was outstanding. The people lining the streets were 6 and 7 deep cheering on their brothers and sisters and aunts and uncles and moms and dads and friends and co workers. It was a day to celebrate diversity. Even the Jesus people attempting to convert you were polite and left you alone if requested to do so. The number of corporations sponsoring delegations marching was so vast in number the heat got to me before it was even over and I had to leave. I did not march with my corporate sponsored delegation first of all because I'm old and hate the heat but also because this day isn't about me. Its about others who need to celebrate who they are without being insulted or worse.

So if Stonewall is not technically the start of a movement, it certainly is one of them. Its been 50 years and Im sure its not gone fast enough.
But if the tremendous size of a Pride March in Omaha, Nebraska is any indication, lets hope it goes faster.

The highlight? Not the drag queens or the dykes on bykes or the everyday folks marching, it was the Giant Baby Trump in a crib being paraded down Harney Street and getting reactions from "hey thats great" to "Fuck You Trump!"

Guess which one was my reaction?

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