Tuesday, May 21, 2019


Didya hear? The Republicans, either in their death throes or so empowered by cheating and lying, are going all in to oppress the women they can never have. Republican dweebs all over the country, elected to state legislatures thanks to gerrymandering, are passing laws like crazy to stop the chicks from controlling their own lives. Powered by white male geeks and gender traitors, these laws are becoming easier to pass. Signed by Republican nerd Governors and almost immediately overturned by the courts, the end game is clear. Get one of these laws to the Supreme Court where professional Catholic Samuel Alito, own the libs and unqualified turd Clarence Thomas, folksy fascist Neil Gorsuch, Justice Ragey Boy and beer swilling loudmouth Brett Kavanaugh, and possibly Chief Justice John Roberts will vote to turn Roe V Wade on its ear and send the country back to the Dark Ages, ya know, when America Was Great.

This blast to the past I think is inevitable. The white people of this nation, led by a proto fascist reality show clown, are in the midst of throwing a tantrum not seen since. well when they think America was great. The fantasy 50's where whites lived in suburbs with perfectly manicured lawns, the blacks knew their place, the gays lived in those suburbs hiding who they were, the Mexicans were all in California, the women all stayed home and drank, the children all went to segregated schools and kids had measles parties where they got dangerous diseases and liked it. Great.

Idiots who believe that the 1950s rocked are strangely delusional. Oh fuck it, no they arent, they are just unwilling to give up their white male privilege. Their collaborator gender traitors, who just cant seem to get their shit together, are the rock in the road forward that allows this to happen. Women, and their male supporters not threatened by them, are the key to this nonsense coming to an end. Im just afraid its too late. If RBG or Breyer leave, its over my friends. Back to the hangers and bleach and suicides . The Handmaids Tale will be a reality. That absurd novel and absurd Hulu show aint so absurd any longer.

I cannot believe that the only abortion policy that makes any sense isn't world wide. That abortion policy is MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS Dont want an abortion, dont fucking get one. And men, well us men. Shut the fuck up! We cause the "problem". We should have no say in its conclusion. Until a man has pushed a bowling ball out of his ass and then wanted to do it again, just be quiet. You should have no say, but instead you elect these Republican assholes to not only control womens bodies, but at the same time get great pleasure in killing death row inmates.

Look, we have a Governor in this state, a cue ball looking jackass named Pete Ricketts (yes that Ricketts of the Chicago Cubs) who bought himself a Governorship with Daddy's money, who wants nothing to so with fun of any kind. He likes to kill people, in fact when the Nebraska Legislature repealed the death penalty and overrode his veto, Pete forked over millions of his own money to get a ballot proposition to bring back the Middle Ages and of course, in this Middle Ages loving state, the death penalty was restored. In fact, Pistol Pete got his wish later when he presided over the killing of a cab driver murderer. Pete hates abortion. Pete likes lethal injection with illegally obtained drugs, but he hates Plan B or the pill or any other contraceptives that prevents future Nebraska Republicans from being born. Unfortunately for Pete, the Nebraska Legislature, a band of Republican hicks, Democratic centrists, and one black guy who keeps them from passing this kind of shit wont pass a heartbeat law. So Pete expresses support for Alabama and Georgia rubes like a helluva lot of us want him speaking for us.

Look for most of these Republican misogynists and their female Aunt Lydias a heartbeat bill would mean one thing. These fuckers could be aborted NOW because to have a heartbeat you must have a heart. These pricks and their dumb bunnies dont.

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