Friday, March 1, 2019

CPAC 2019!

oh good lord, its that time of year, when the largest gathering of kooks, racists, conspiracy morons, racists, sexists, homophobes, racists and the truly stupid occurs in DC. Its CPAC2019.

Michelle Malkin is screeching at this time, eulogizing the drunken Breitbart, rolling her eyes back in her head, hammering "diversity" (how ironic for an anchor baby) and getting a roomful of old white leeches, funded by socialism, to struggle to their feet and try to keep that stupid red hat on.

Between speeches various nutjob groups beg for money via videos in which they warn you about Hillary's emails, beg you to send your kid to scam colleges like Hillsdale, and have little boys whine about their future as a decent male, Why cant they grab pussy like the Fearless Leader? Bunch of libtard pantywaists making men into women.

Hillbilly Missouri Senator Josh Hawley now whining about tech companies discriminating against the biggest victims in American society, white conservatives. The room is damn near empty. Dude, nobody wants to listen to you cry about something that doesnt exist. Missouri, what the fuck? You voted for this asshole? He looks like a typical religious scam artist with the slick backed hair and his phony concern for his kids. Fuck this guy.

Yesterday featured everyone's favorite Nazi, no not Sgt Schultz, Sebastian Gorka holler about the enemy is coming for your hamburgers. Per the look of this crowd, perhaps they should lay off the hamburgers. Gorka, a fake Hungarian speaking in a phony German accent, is truly a despicable, some would say deplorable, character.

There was also a bizarre scene of two Republican congressmen eating hamburgers and drinking milkshakes while some other liar yammered on about the Green New Deal. Ya know, that chick from New York, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the mad liberal they all want to secretly screw, put that forward a while back. Cue the ratfuckers to begin the lies.

Roma Romney, the head of that organization of kookburgers called the GOP, insisted that Democrats all want us to eat dog food. Now ehy she believes that (which of course she does not)is just beyond my comprehension. The spoon in her mouth Romney has never eaten dog food, unless of course a servant secretly put some Gaines Burger in her Beef Wellington, but to be lectured to by that is right out of what CPAC is all about. Rich people telling nitwits how to think.

A panel of truly stupid people, including Jerry Falwell Jr, and the other idiot Junior, future felon Donnie, along with Fox News reject and current Trump fucker Kimberly Guilfoyle fantasized about AOC showing up and trying to take cows away from them and them shooting her. Trump Junior, a moron if there ever was one. held things together with being even dumber than the rest so they would seem smahhht.

But the ultimate was the appearance of the minstrel show that is Diamond and Silk. I have no idea which is which but while one yaks the other stands there in her granny clothes and throws in a yea yeah now and then. Diamond and Silk, the kind of black folks that the CPAC whiteys slap their knees at to prove how not racist they are. Diamond and Silk, did I mention how much of a scam they are, pranced around and made the truly dumb statement about how socialism will return us to slavery days while the racists cheered their Aunt Toms onstage. Only Hitler lover Candace Owens can compete with these two clowns as bigger minstrels.

Meanwhile, the traitorous fuck known as Donald Trump, who I am convinced cut short his surrender to a Korean leprechaun just so he could come home and get his ego stroked by the bunch of brain dead cult members at CPAC 2019. Everyday this treasonous syphilitic brained wankmaggot stays in office is a disgrace. But CPAC loves him. If love is even a word they can understand.

Every day this conference goes on in its worship of a man who dismisses murderous thugs like Kim, and the Crown Prince, and KGB Vlad it debases itself and its cause. Otto Warmbier and Khashoggi were askin for it. Per the POTUS45.

This doesnt make it right. Even if a conference full of angry hate filled bigots thinks so. Maybe THIS is the year that the Kool Aid comes out.

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