Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Wake Up Democrats!

This whole Virginia shitstorm is very important. Governor Blackface, Lieutenant Governor Grab Ass and Attorney General Brownface should all be apologetic about whatever it is they were thinking, but the Democrats piling on top of each other to demand resignations and self flagellating the party into being everything Donald Junior says it is need to step back and open their fucking eyes.

Back during the days of Dick Nixon, a sleazy crook with a deep mental illness, there was a man named Donald Segretti. Segretti ran the dirty tricks department of CREEP. The Committee to re-elect the President. Ya know, the paranoid CREEP himself, Tricky Dick. Sefretti and his band of ratfuckers were busy making shit up like the Canuck letter to destroy any Democrat deemed dangerous to the re-election chances of the most corrupt man to ever hold the highest office, Wait, what????

Ratfucking is to Republicans as "going high" is to Democrats and quite frankly I am sick of it. I love Michelle Obama but that "When they go low w go high" may have been the dumbest thing she's ever said. Do you understand what you are dealing with? Thus far, conservative ratfuckers, always with shit in their backpockets have wrecked Northam (sorry folks, yes he destroyed himself and thats exactly what ratfuckers want you to think), are working on wrecking Fairfax, and are trying to wreck the AG, though he's gotten out front.

Ratfuckers are trying to ruin Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Cory Booker, Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden and dont need to bother with Tulsi Gabbard since she ratfucks herself. These creeps have lived in the Republican Party for 50 years, they started an entire news network, they run the government and they will never stop. If they cant find dirt they will make it up. Jesus Christ hangs with hookers, Mother Theresa steals money, The Dalai Lama wears dresses, ratfuckers will stop at nothing.

The Democrats had better wake the fuck up . Until they point out,as Sherrod Brown did to the despicable kiss ass Chuck Todd, the Republican Party is the home to every racist thug alive today and has been for 55 years. Once Democrats stop trying to please people who will never ever vote for them, and start fighting back, this shit may end. But Democrats have been going high for so long and ignored the ratfucking Republicans they now have a second player to deal with, the fuckin Russians.

Virginia is a test. Im not saying Northam should stay, as the Democrats have already neutered him, and if Fairfax is guilty of assault, he needs to go, but the Virginia AG, Mark Herring, is the last line of defense against a Republican Speaker ready to step up and start gerrymandering and cheating. Good thing he got out front of what is apparently a grand Southern tradition of being a fucking racist prick when you are young. God knows to some masochistic Democrats, there is no forgiveness for past indiscretions. Meanwhile the Republicans not only ignore racist pasts, they thrive on it. Not that Democrats should thrive on bigotry, but forgiveness is a trait they can certainly use to their advantage.

All I am Saying Is Give Fighting Back A Chance.

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