Sunday, December 23, 2018

It's Not A Wonderful Life!

Now that Scrooge has shut down the government throwing a temper tantrum cuz he cant get funding to not build a gigantic steel slat monstrosity to keep the brown people from pursuing a better life, this worthless orange coal turd is sitting in the White Hose watching TV. Not that its any different from any other day in this disgusting administration, but the Orange scum is putting the entire world in danger.

Shutting down the government, furloughing hundreds of thousands of everyday people at Christmas time, with a complicit gang of uncaring trash named McConnell, Ryan and (insert Republican congress creep here) and dismissing the so called only adult left in the White House, a guy nicknamed Mad Dog, for a corporate executive who sees only profits in the death of young Americans. Yep, a Boeing CEO is now running America's defense, rather America's defense industry.Great.

The Orange excrement has also decided to withdraw troops from Syria because he has defeated ISIS and will allow the Turks to handle whats left over. You know, like the Kurds. The Orange useful idiot has taken his orders from other dictators in order to keep who knows what from the public. Now I know and you know that it was Obama that kicked ISIS in the nuts but in Trumpy Land, a scary place that exists only in the disease addled brain of POTUS45, and in the dissolving brains of his cultists, ISIS was running wild. But because of Orangeman, ISIS has "largely been defeated". Somebody stop this insanity.

I know its Xmas time and all of this shit should be forgotten but really, with the departure of Mattis and Kelly, the schmoozing done by Bond villains Mnuchin and his Lady McBeth in Cabo, the lack of any intelligence in the Cabinet, the Fox News obsession of this old man President, the grifting of Kushner and Ivanka, the cold hearted ice queen Nielsen, the death of 7 year old refugees, the locking in cages of children, the very presence of a gangly lunatic like Tom Cotton (Scarecrow-Ar) and a blabbing phony like Ben Sasse (Babbler-Ne), the sudden shift to Shitheel by chain migration First Porn Model Melania, and the Dallas Cowboys winning a division, we cannot afford to put this on hold.

Xmas is fun, Xmas is for family, in my case its the day my life changed for the better, but this is no time to rest. You can be assured these Russian fucks arent resting. Their useful idiots arent resting.

Goddammit Mueller, hurry the fuck up.

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