Saturday, July 14, 2018

Save Us Bob Mueller!

Later on that very day, Russians, not China or 400 lb guys in their basement, began to hack the Democratic Headquarters. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury I rest my case!

Its all coming together and if America can understand, or even care, that their President is a fucking traitor, we will have eradicated this scum off the top of the pond.

I grew up in a time that Russia, the Soviets to be exact, were the enemy. I never really hated the Russians as I believed they were incompetent, underfunded and that the people would eventually say enough. Then it happened. The wall came down. The Soviet Union broke up and all these countries formed I still have no idea who or where they are. I was happy for the people. But then, as new found freedom can become, the Russians became mobsters. Brutal monsters willing to do anything to make capitalism their god. And I will never forget what I said to Max's Mom in the early 90's. I guess I dont like the fuckin Russians.

Nowadays, its the conservatives, the people who used to call me naive' and out of touch, who just love the fuckin Russians. And why? Because their cult leader is a puppet of Russian thugs and blackmailers.

Bob Mueller is getting close. Getting close to bringing down this felonious regime. Getting close to indicting untold numbers of American Quislings willing to do anything to win elections and profit personally. Getting close to bringing down a gang of white supremacists bent on suppressing minorities and women and gays. Getting close to sending a lot of traitors to jail. It cant come soon enough.

There's no fake news about any of this. The Russians hacked the DNC, it gave information to Wikileaks, it gave information to who knows how many Republican congressional candidates (hey there Matt Gaetz and Darrell Issa).They were in contact with Roger Stone, and they had access to Hillary's analytics which would allow the Trump campaign Russians to use the information to target Hillary's demos. They gizzed up the fight between Bernie Bros and Hillary voters which for some reason still goes on today. They ratfucked this election so bad that I have a bad feeling that eventually this is going to come down to hackers changing vote totals. They have the software. They purged minority voters from the rolls. Why is not feasible that they changed vote totals? There arent enough rubes to have actually voted for this vile disgusting man. I refuse to buy that.

Bob Mueller may end up being an American hero. A Republican interested in preserving the halls of democracy rather than just fucking winning. A Vietnam vet against a bone spurred cowardly billionaire. Is there any reason to take the cowards side?

Of course there is. Winning to many people means keeping the other guy down. Winning means preserving the dying so called culture of whatever culture you think is yours. Jesus and Nascar? Country music and bar fights? I dont get it. "Real" Americans arent winning though they think they are. Pissing me off may be entertaining as hell, har har look at the pissed off libtards, but it only means you have taken the side of the fucking KGB.

In the words of the great Nebraska humorist. Lawrence the Streaming TV Guy, what the hell is this, Russia?

Sadly, yes it is. For now.

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