Sunday, June 10, 2018


I am so mentally exhausted by this corrupt and downright evil administration sometimes I cant even read any longer. The behavior of a 71 year old man at the G7 summit made me ashamed, again, of being an American. Donald F Trump, a child in a lumbering monster body, behaved like a obstinate bully at a meeting of our worldly friends sitting in a chair , arms folded , smug and defiant, being lectured by adults. Trump is John Bender in the Breakfast Club. He's self destructive, incapable of admitting wrong, doubling down on being wrong, and will hurt everyone around him just to be that audacious and keep the image alive. Urged on by a weird cult who feels the same way, their approval is all Bender Trump wants. The adoring applause of a dwindling but loud clan of losers intent on toppling the status quo in some sort of bizarre quest to even the playing field. Rather, lower the playing field to the gutter they live in. Some men just want to watch the world burn. When is Batman going to save us?

This Republican Congress, one of the most vicious groups of powerful people in history, continues to enable this Toddler in Chief's destructive conduct in their quest to give all the money to the rich and powerful and take all the rights away from the women and the gays and the blacks and the browns ah hell, its a white male supremacist cult running out of time to establish a permanent dominance. The Congress, led by a rude Ayn Rand groupie and a corrupt Kentucky intolerant bigot, has ballooned the deficit by giving the store away to their billionaire handlers and at the same time attempting to cut the deficit by starving children medically. Ending the CHIP program and then bragging about it? Nice. Paul Ryan is a shit stain.

Trump Thug Peter Navarro has announced the existence of a special place in hell for Canadian PM Justin Trudeau for standing up to the Orange Pile of Shit In Chief Donald F Trump. Because Trudeau politely said in that oh so Canadian way that Canada is polite but refuses to be pushed around. Especially by a gangster like Trump, a man so vile there is no moral difference between he and any other Mob Boss. Some advice for Canada, along with advice for any other Allied country. Trump does not represent America. He represents a minority of bitter disgusting flunkees designed to be led by any cheap flimflam artist who tells them what they wish to hear. This con man will go away and his cult members will crawl back into the sewers they came from. It may take awhile, it may take Trumps Russian masters releasing information once he upsets them or loses his influence. Hold on World. We are.

Finally today to honor winning. Not Trump "winning", actual winning.

Justify won the Triple Crown yesterday. Thats horse races. Justify is a horse. And all he does is win. To watch this magnificent animal toy with his fellow horses and run faster than any of them is every bot as good as watching Usain Bolt do the same. It's thrilling.

Terence Bud Crawford is a fighter. A boxer. Terence Crawford defeated the welterweight champion of the world last night in Las Vegas. An Aussie named Horn had won the title from the legendary Manny Paquiao last year though after watching the fight I had no idea what the judges were watching. Crawford is an artist. If youve ever seen him fight you know what I mean. Terence Crawford waits and waits and when you fuck up, he pounces. Ive seen him fight many times and am enthralled by his patient style. The moment he knocked Julius Indongo down in Lincoln last August was the single loudest sound Ive ever heard in an arena. It was exciting as hell. Terence Crawford is a winner.

The Golden State Warriors swept the Cleveland Cavaliers off the basketball floor like yesterdays dust this week. Despite having the greatest player in the game, perhaps of all time, LeBron James, The Cavs were no match for the Warriors, a team of incredible talent. Winners. Again, thrilling to watch.

So to distract from the phony "winning" that cult members think is happening due to the presence of a Maniac in Chief,, I will enjoy actual winning.

Justify, Crawford and the Dubs. Winners.

Trump and the cult. Traitorous losers.

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