Saturday, June 23, 2018

I'm Sickened!

This is not a fake picture. This is not anything but a picture. Its a picture of a scared little girl driven from the only home she's ever known by gangs of drug runners intent on selling their shit to Americans. She's not MS13. She's not a rapist. She's not the killer of an American citizen. She's brown and frightened and this administration doesn't give a fuck.

The big news is that this picture is not of a little girl separated from her family. Therefore, of course, to the heartless right, its fake news. More liberal media propaganda released to make a lumbering Savior look bad. The little girl doesnt matter any longer. She's nothing but propaganda from the left who wants gangs of Latinos to come into the country willy nilly instead of gangs of white people from England or Germany to come in to keep America white great.

That picture should win the Pulitzer. It sums up America's paranoia and current lack of empathy. I take that back. That picture summoned such outrage and sympathy from MOST Americans that the Traitor in Chief changed the policy that days before never existed or was the result of some phantom law. The policy,separating children from their parents at the border, was implemented by this putrid administration and was not the result of any law or anything other than a gang of old white men going to the hostage card to get funding to build a giant wall. Thats all it was, an attempt by bigoted baboons to hold children hostage by kidnapping them from their mothers and fathers. Is it a new low from an administration that hits a new low on a weekly, if not daily basis? Well yes, because kidnapping is about as low as you can go to accomplish your goals. In fact there's a lot of people doing life for that very thing.

I'm sickened by it. I'm sickened by a minority of soulless white people who push the criminals get separated from their kids all the time line.

I'm sickened by nasty blonde white ladies who deny a policy exists that obviously exists because of reality.

I'm sickened by racist old elves who justify separating 2 year olds from parents because of the fucking Bible.

I'm sickened by photo ops from a First Lady visiting a sanitized concentration camp with a stupid jacket that distracts from that nonsensical trip.

I'm sickened by a President traveling to jack himself off by holding rallies in front of clueless racists who cheer his every word.

I'm sickened by unnecessary executive orders, more photo ops, changing a policy the nasty blonde lady standing behind him denied even existed two days before.

I'm sickened by family feuds on Facebook where you find out that some people you are related to either by blood or marriage are really not worthy of your time.

I'm sickened by an egomaniac in chief using relatives of murdered children as a prop to divert attention from his policy of kidnapping brown kids.

I'm sickened by Steve King (Racist-Ia) continuing to double down on his ignorance and appeal to dumb fucks who vote for him.

I'm just sickened. Period.

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