Saturday, November 11, 2017

No Moore!

Pedophile Judge Roy Moore is about to speak at a Veterans Day breakfast someplace in Alabama where I'm sure gravel grits are part of the menu. The place is packed with child molesting Judge Moore advocates, 99.9% of them white, and full of men who I'm sure are just itchin to shoot a pedophile at some point in their lives, preferably a minority pedophile. But Judge Moore aint one of them child gropers cuz he's a God fearin judge and besides the girls were legal and at least it wasnt a boy and the Washington Post is full of Jews globalist reporters and he aint a Democrat who prosecuted Klansmen who killed 3 little girls maybe and he aint a Democrat so I'm voting for him so there.

Meanwhile, MSNBC is covering the speech, CNN is covering the speech, and Fox is talking about how tough The Groper In Chief will be on Russia.

9:07 am--Joy Reid asks a local Alabama Moore apologist who refers to "Weinberg" and the "House of Cards guy" and says that Alabamans dont like outside agitators. Wow does that sound familiar to us over 50.

9:12 am-- Roy Moore takes the stage to speak to his child molestation Senate advocates.

9:20 am-- Alabama Moore apologist speaks about how the Republicans are the party of McConnell and Pence and how much the Republicans win locally and talks about "urban Americans" not being able to overcome "rural Americans". Translation- well you know.

9:23 am-- Professional clown Jack Kingston defends Moore by talking about "Menendez" and "Clinton" as if that absolves child molestor Judge Roy Moore from any responsibility for hitting on a 14 year old girl. Kingston says the mother of the girl approved of Moore "dating" her. I have no idea why this clown is on.

9:32 am--Moore is speaking but nobody will tell us what he's saying as Im sure its all nonsense

9:33am-- Moore says The Washington Post endorsed his opponent and is desperate to derail his campaign. Moore claims its untrue that he molested dated a 14 year old and besides it was almost 40 years ago. Moore goes all in by denying he prodded 14 year old girls with alcoholic beverages. He's been investigated by tons of people (gee I wonder why) and everybody's out to git him.

9:35am-- Moore calls his victims accusers "grown women" and asks why they waited 40 years to much applause from his child molesting Senate advocates.

9:37am-- Moore keeps repeating the timing of his accusations as strange and calls it "fake News" which Billy Bob loves. Some guy with a bucket hat leaps to his feet.

Judge Roy Moore, a truly despicable man even without his penchant for groping 14 year old girls, is all in. The sad part is if he somehow is not forced out before December 12th, he, an accused child tickler, will defeat a man who put three murderers in jail for killing three little girls in a church for a Senate seat.

Oh and phonies like Ben Sasse who talk a good game, will denounce Moore and then gladly accept his votes for tax cuts for billionaire donors and taking health care away from the very children they profess to protect.

This a disgusting time to be an American. To paraphrase Bill Walton, I also apologize on behalf of the human race.

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