Saturday, September 30, 2017

Low Bar!

Just when you think the Son of a Bitch In Chief cannot sink any lower, well ya know it happens.

His disgraceful tweets about the people of Puerto Rico wanting "everything done for them" and his battle with the Mayor of San Juan, Carmen Yulin Cruz, calling her "nasty' (wow what is it about women willing to stand up to his bullshit) and playing golf while a 21st century epidemic of cholera threatens American citizens has sent the bar to be POTUS so low, whats next, a rabid raccoon being nominated by the Republican base?

Trump is such a fucking embarrassment by now, only the most racist idiots among us can possible support him. Thus I have no qualms about refuding to "understand" these morons. Fuck off, Trumpers. Your support of a man who ignores a crisis because the Americans involved aint white abhors me. And thats what it is. And you fucking know it.

The pictures above are of one person who expects everything to be done for them and the other picture is of the Mayor of San Juan.

When will this end? It will end. Oh you Trumpers, this is going to end and not well. History is going to judge every one of you.

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