Friday, August 18, 2017

White Scumacists!

Just like our President (shudder) I like to take time to think about something before I speak about it. So after days of thought and contemplation I now have something profound to say about Donald Trump.

Just fucking resign you low rent grifting belly crawling motherfucker!

I'll tell you something and Ive posted that picture above before in honoring my Dad. Nothing and I mean nothing makes my blood boil more than seeing that picture of my father in Germany in 1945 risking his fucking life to defeat the dark forces of Nazism and fascism only to witness those racist crackers play dress up and march around chanting their racist slogans and getting into fights and killing a young woman who only wanted to do good. That pisses me off so much I cannot even describe it. THEN when the President of the United States, a truly despicable human being even before Tuesday, strays off the prepared remarks to become himself as he always does, and defend Nazis and Klansmen and White Scumacists and homophobes and misogynists and trailer trash Confederates and creeps and thugs and privileged white punks looking for the latest trend to get attention in between Call of Duty competitions, I think of my Dad and it makes me crazy.

The President of the United States has made it abundantly clear to anybody of not the same mindset of who and what he is. He is a con artist. He is a racist. He is a Nazi apologist. He is a white supremacist. He is everything most of us knew. He is a dumpster fire of humanity who needs to be removed from office either through resignation (which I am sure is coming) or through invocation of the 25th Amendment which of course will never be done by his White Supremacist Republican minions intent on destroying government. Impeachment would take courage and we know that the United States House of Representative is one of the most disgusting groups of people on Earth. This band of wimps and weaklings and outright mental cases (yes I mean you Steve King and Louie Gohmert) lacks any kind of moral leadership to take action against this intolerant asshole in the White House who again, lost an election by 3 million votes to a woman, Yeah Yeah, I'll get over it as soon as these doughy white hooligans get over the losers they worship, The Traitors from the South and the fucking Nazis.

That statement. That 12 minute meltdown on Tuesday was absolutely the most disgraceful 12 minutes of a Presidency perhaps ever. Trump, again, off the cuff, trying to show he's the smartest person in the room, yammering on about fake news and alt right and being all pissed off its a woman yelling questions at him and talking about fine people on both sides and blaming the victims for getting in the way of a car before getting in a plug for his winery. Just disgraceful. Absolutely embarrassing for any American with an ounce of moral decency to watch that world wide statement from a bullying gangster who somehow was elected to be the President of the United States.

We all know now that Trump knows who his base is. Its about 30% of America (or 76% of Republicans), a group of chickenshit racist white people so used to white privilege that equality looks like oppression to them. A band of people who simply refuse to accept anything outside their bubble of advantage. The dog whistles have always been there. But the dog whistles have become outright regular loud shrill whistles now since a couple of years ago when this false prophet came forth and spoke to them in their preferred language. Dumb.

This man is a miscreant. I prefer to think the vast majority of Americans are decent. I mean look at the money raised to help the victims of that madman with the Dodge Charger last Saturday (amazing how the Nazi in Chief takes no time at all to denounce a similar event in Barcelona yet never acknowledges his own terrorism). The vast majority of Americans look with pride at the generation of people who stood up and sacrificed their lives to defeat the very thing that now stinks up our society. I saw an old man at a ballgame last week in a wheelchair throw out a first pitch who was a World War II vet;. The crowd stood and cheered. He was representing my late father and I stood and cheered. What did that man think when he saw those brain dead creeps walking around with a Swastika flag last weekend?

That generation is leaving us quickly. Who will be around in 10 years to remind us of the evil of this philosophy? I shudder at the thought of these young clueless nitwits not being checked by those of us who had fathers and mothers and uncles and aunts who did their part to defeat this horrible doctrine of evil. Earlier this week some contrarian attempted to argue with me that Nazis were not right wing but left wing because they were "National Socialists". Ok genius. After starting to argue about spending a national economy into prosperity by gearing up for war which of course would make Saint Reagan a Nazi I simply quit and walked away. No time for that. You are either an opponent of white supremacy and Nazis or you are one. Period.

Someplace there are millions upon millions of men and women who spent 4 years of their life fighting Nazis and Japanese imperialists who are looking at us from afar saying what in the holy fuck is wrong with you lamebrains. Come on people, stop this nonsense now. 1933 Germany stood by silently as a group of thugs took over. Are we them?

I think not. Stay strong and speak up. Silence is approval. You stay quiet, you condone this.

Get rid of the Fascist in Chief. Then we can work on getting rid of the Closet Case in Chief.

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