Sunday, May 14, 2017

Shakin Bacon!

You see, we are generally a polite lot of people here in the city that just dismissed an opportunity to tell Donald Trump to go fuck himself and re-elected a nice, boring, harmless Republican woman as Mayor.. Yeah, I'm one of them who is generally polite, probably too much so (thanks mom & dad), yet I have absolutely ZERO problem with what is going on at Town Halls with these corporate stooges they call Republican House Members. Fuck them all. Oh sorry, was that too mean?

Our Representative here in the 2nd District is a smiling diminutive little Republican dipshit named Don Bacon (Double Dipper-Ne). Bacon is a former Air Force General who ran against a one term Republican turned Democrat named Brad Ashford who was as middle of the road as you can get. You could tell from the tire marks on his suits from being run over out there in the middle of the road. Ashford was well on his way to re election when the returns from the gerrymandered district I call Nebraska's version of East Berlin, Sarpy County, began to come in. Now to explain, Sarpy County is FULL of retired double dipping Air Force vets who spend 20 years at Offutt Air Force Base (thanks for your service), retire, and then get jobs in private business. Hey,I know, Ive worked with hundreds of them. And to a man or woman, they are, well how do I put this, basically fascist wannabes. They are Republican from the tips of the high and tight haircuts, to the toes of their comfortable shoes. The political offices in Sarpy County, Mayors and City Councils and law enforcement agencies all act like anyone form outside is an interloper bent on subversion and carnage. It is well known that driving in the county is something to be avoided. The Stasi , or as it is officially known as, The Sarpy County Sheriffs Department, will pull you over anytime you venture over Harrison Street into their fatherland. Yes, a little tip for tourists, Harrison Street is like Checkpoint Charlie. The only thing lacking is a wall. Sarpy County is indeed the place that gave us Representative Don Bacon (Lil General-Ne).

Bacon was running scared from Town Halls earlier in the year. He would hold "town halls" via conference call. He would hold "town halls" with only invited guests. He would say no public Town Halls because he was afraid of "outside agitators". He also claimed the "outside agitators" were paid by George Soros or Karl Marx or somebody. Bacon is indeed an idiot used to telling boot strappers what to do and having them do it no questions asked. This whole democracy thing is new to Don Bacon.

But Bacon could hide no more. He would put his stupidity out there for all to view. And he held "Town Halls" publicly, In safe areas. In the white sections of town, in the middle of the day, on weekdays, with little notice. Yet some still showed up to express their dissatisfaction with the Little General.

Yesterday, Don Bacon held a town hall in a little town called Bennington. Bennington is hard to find, a bit far to drive to and of course, full of folks fleeing the minorities that live in Omaha. Friendlies.

Sorry, Don, but the friendlies werent enough to toadie to you and your staff of doughboys. "Lies!" was the main shout that Bacon heard as he lied. Bacon called the ACHA a "rescue mission" to save health care. I sure hope General Don didnt general that way. We are going to rescue you by taking away any security you may need, Not a great way to general, General. Bacon went to the moldy talking points of "High risk pools" and "tax breaks" amid the shouts and the booing. There ya go, General, you aint no General anymore. The troops dont like you and arent going to snap to.

Bacon saw no problem with the firing of James Comey. Hey, he had no support from anybody, including the Demoncrats. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Bacon insisted there were no "red flags" involving Russia and Trump. He did concede that Russia was "trying to throw gasoline on our partisan divide.” Yeah thats it, Don, Russia is only interested in dividing us. Look, dumbfuck, we dont need their help. Trump provides more than enough gas for that fire. Bacon continued to pause and sigh and act like it was him being the victim while people in the crowd, many of whom would be out in the cold with no health insurance, would express their displeasure with his Trump ass kissing.

But did the rocking Town Hall experience make Bacon think? Nope....."It wasn’t pleasant, but it does embolden me,” emboldens him to keep bringing the bullshit forward.

Bacon is vulnerable in 2018. He's as worthless a Rep as there can be. If the freedom lovers can overcome the zombies of East Berlin Sarpy County then Bacon can be sent back to double dipper land. Triple Dipper Land is where he is now. Jesus H Christ, how many fucking taxpayer pensions and free health care can one guy get?

The answer depends on who you are. If you are a taxpayer sucking leech its as many as you can get. If its you or me, its a big fat zero.

2nd District Democrats. Theres a chance to fry this Bacon. Get out the pan! Now!

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