Christ I dont know if the Pulitzer Committee got cases of Chardonnay from an anonymous source over the last few weeks but they must have been blasted out of their minds for awarding Peggy Noonan a Pulitzer Prize for drunk typing or commentary or whatever the fuck it is she does.
Peggy dear, who was responsible for those baffling ramblings that came out of the mouth of Reagan during his Reign of Is He Senile, now drunk comments for the Wall Street Urinal (a little Rush humor for ya there lol) and the wild and crazy creeps who run that rag must be as ecstatic as if another hedge fund guy caused old guys to kill themselves by closing down their livelihood and selling the parts.
Giving a Pulitzer for commentary to a condescending Mother Superior wanna be like Sister Mary Nooners is like giving out a Pulitzer for journalism to Russian Bots spreading their pro Trump bullshit. Which after this announcement , may be next.
Noonan, who for some reason is continually asked to come on television news panels to hem and haw and look down her nose at others, writes some of the most nonsensical bullshit you've never read. Reading a Countess Peggy column is an exercise in futility. Chrissakes she makes Maureen Dowd seem normal. To get past the first paragraph of a Queen Peggy commentary is well, impossible. To say you have is to lie.
I admit I have no fucking idea what motivates her, other than a scotch and water. She gets all hot and bothered over the stupidest shit. In the age of Trump, the vulgar side of politics she's always pretended to disdain, she becomes the wise old soothsayer who imagines a "sane" Donald Trump and then pretends it's real. A sane Donald Trump? Really Peggers?
Noonan once became upset over a group of oversensitive Columbia University students who saw sexism and racism in old poems. Imagine that? Dame Noonan decided to respond to the bunch of surly students lecturing them that old poems are great and they, the cantankerous coeds, are spoiled brats. Well Sister Groucho, your gin stained view of the world is no less valuable than that of a group of easily offended scholars.
She wrote, " I won’t name the four undergraduate authors, because 30 years from now their children will be on Google, and because everyone in their 20s has the right to be an idiot."
She forgot to add because everyone in their 60's has the right to be an idiot too.
Congrats, Duchess Pegs, on your Pulitzer. It's the modern day equivalent of the Nobel Committee giving a Peace Prize to a war criminal named Henry Kissinger. I'd buy you the drinks, but I dont have that much money.
Maybe it should be taken as a sign of how weak the MSM's commentary has become these days. When even Fareed Zakaria thinks firing 59 cruise missiles at an airbase and failing to knock it out for even one day makes Trump look more Presidential, one can only despair.