Tuesday, December 22, 2015

The Opposition!

Q38 Would you support or oppose bombing
Support bombing Agrabah 30% ..............................
Oppose bombing Agrabah 13% ..............................
Not sure 57%

That's what we are dealing with.....30% of Republicans want to bomb a fictional country. But hey, at least 13% don't want to bomb a fictional country.

Do you believe that thousands of Arabs in New
Jersey cheered when the World Trade Center
collapsed on 9/11 or not?
Believe thousands of Arabs in New Jersey
cheered when the World Trade Center
collapsed on 9/11............................................
Do not believe thousands of Arabs in New
Jersey cheered when the World Trade Center
collapsed on 9/11............................................
Not sure 29%

Hey where's the question if the 9/11 terrorists arrived via magic carpet?

You want your country back? Really?

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