Saturday, October 3, 2015

All Potential Mass Murderers Get A Discount!

There are some bad fucking people in this world. Yeah there's your mass killers like CHRISTOPHER HARPER-MERCER (yeah say his fucking name over and over, sorry if it ruins your wine and cheese soiree) and then there's the really bad people. No not the mass killers like DICK CHENEY ,but the ones who think they're good and honorable and are just, in reality, sick sociopaths.

Like SHERIFF JOHN HANLIN of Douglas County Oregon. This prick seems to think if he doesn't mention CHRISTOPHER HARPER-MERCER"S name then nobdoy will realize what a shitty law enforcement creep this guy really is. This dumb constable of the law has made a living out of being one of those rubes who actually believe that the black guy in the White House is coming to take his dick away. This bumbling fool of a cop actually posted Sandy Hook truther videos to Facebook (which have suddenly been removed) as he put on his tin foil sheriff's hat to go protect Douglas County Oregon from the fedrull gubmint and its black panther muslim army. Sheriff Hanlin also wrote an actual letter to, oh no not that black interloper who hijacked HIS White House, but to the white guy, Vice President Joe Biden, expressing his concern that taking a gun away from ADAM FUCKING LANZA would have done nothing to prevent Sandy Hook cuz like it didn't happen anyway and when the Obummer administration does pass some sort of law taking guns away from psycho nut cases like JARED LOUGHNER, then he simply won't enforce suck laws cuz loser crazy people like CHRISTOPHER HARPER-MERCER have 2nd amendment rights too.....

Apparently SHERIFF JOHN HANLIN is very good at NOT enforcing laws anyway. Go fuck yourself you self righteous incompetent Barney Fife.

Then there's CANDI KINNEY, owner of the Roseburg Gun Shop, ya know Roseburg, Oregon, where some guy exercising his 2nd amendment rights took life liberty and the pursuit of happiness away from 9 people who have no rights cuz of uhhhhhhh 2nd Amendment. She loves mass killings cuz there's always a rush on the killing weapons right afterwards by the Dirty Harry types just itchin to kill somebody. It's the American Dream, baby. Make a lot of money exploiting the misfortune of others. Just ask your average hedge fund creep. Yeah inside the gun shop up in Roseburg (sounds awful "jewey" to me) is a life sized poster of the Nobama in a keffiyeh with the scribbling underneath "gun salesman of the year". Well at least somebody in that den of moral sewage can spell.

And then there's JEB! BUSH, potential Republican nominee in 2016 (barf) whose reaction to the death of 9 innocents is "stuff happens". Now Jeb!, everyone now knows you are actually the dumb one, you've proven that over the last 6 months, but also being the family asshole? Wow, Barbara Bush has been playing that role for years and now we know it was just a mother protecting her unfeeling prick of an offspring. Is it really Republican strategy, in the wake of Trump mania, to climb all over each other to become the loudest and nastiest dick in the room? Good job Jeb! You really weren't even trying, its just your nature. Trump is just exploiting dummies by yammering on about shit he doesn't even mean. Jeb! I am convinced. You're just a natural at being a villain.

Edmund Burke, conservative spank bank author (look him up conservatives) said it best........The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

Yeah I know they think its "evil" like the mooslim socialist gun grabber but in reality the "evil" looks back at you when you pose for selfies with your gun.

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