Sunday, August 9, 2015
Keith's Rubbish!
A mishmash of rubbish. Ok, Keith Richards. Ok fine, let's see what he actually said. Oh yeah, about the Beatles. That album. Sgt Pepper.
What Keith said to Esquire was this:
No, I understand—the Beatles sounded great when they were the Beatles. But there's not a lot of roots in that music. I think they got carried away. Why not? If you're the Beatles in the '60s, you just get carried away—you forget what it is you wanted to do. You're starting to do Sgt. Pepper. Some people think it's a genius album, but I think it's a mishmash of rubbish, kind of like Satanic Majesties—"Oh, if you can make a load of shit, so can we."
The Beatles sounded great when they were the Beatles.
Yep, cant disagree with that.
But there's not a lot of roots in that music.
Yep. Can't disagree with that either.
I think they got carried away. Why not?
Yep, definitely carried away.
If you're the Beatles in the '60s, you just get carried away—you forget what it is you wanted to do.
Yep, can't disagree with that either.
You're starting to do Sgt. Pepper. Some people think it's a genius album, but I think it's a mishmash of rubbish, kind of like Satanic Majesties—"Oh, if you can make a load of shit, so can we."
Ok, yep get it, Keith. can't disagree with that either, especially that part about if you can make a load of shit, so can we.
So what's the big hub bub about?
Keith Richards doesn't like Sgt.Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. Cuz it has no roots. And the Beatles forgot what it is they wanted to do. And they got carried away.
And thank fucking Gawd all of that is true.
The Beatles albums did not have any roots after 1965. It's because they made their own fucking roots and stopped recreating old blues stuff because they got bored with it and had stuff rolling around in their heads nobody had ever heard before. Yeah they forgot what it is what they wanted to do, like most people who grow up and accept reality. Or in the Beatles case, realize what they wanted to do wasn't anywhere near what they felt they HAD to do. And yep, Keith, they got carried away.
Got so damned carried away they put things on that album nobody had ever heard before. Pushed by Brian Wilson to bust out of the image and do whatever it is they wanted to do. Good for them.
Oh I have to resist the Stones bashing. I will. The roots are there, Keith. Keep paying tribute. That's fine if that's what you wish to do. But to hammer on others who create roots of their own is just plain lazy.
Some day just compare Sgt Peppers to Their Satanic Majesties Request.
There's only one "load of shit" there. Not two.
And one masterpiece.
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