Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Ten Years After!

It was 10 years ago ago that Natalie Maines of the Dixie Chicks got up on a stage in London and made the following pronouncement to the crowd of English country music fans? Maines said "Just so you know, we're on the good side with y'all. We do not want this war, this violence, and we're ashamed that the President of the United States is from Texas". Well frost my britches! Country music radio stations all over the US of A went batshit crazy because they were so gosh darn offended by what the traitorous Ms. Maines said because we all know shitkickers are much more patriotic than the rest of us. Actually the country music radio stations simple recognized yet one more way to gin up a lot of publicity for themselves by having Crazy Billy Bob and Darlin' drive a steamroller over Dixie Chicks CD's that were already paid for. Trust me, I know radio people. There isn't a one of them with a principled bone in their doughboy bodies. Most of them would drive said steam roller over their own mothers if it meant an extra ratings point or two.

What Natalie Maines said from that London stage 10 years ago was nothing more than the truth as she saw it. She was ashamed that Bush was from Texas by way of Connecticut. She did not want the war, the violence and the lies. In retrospect the woman was correct. But that didn't stop the right wing smear machine as the Dixie Chicks were lambasted and got the one thing you know means you got to the pricks. Death threats from idiots. Shit, you aint lived till you pissed off a right winger by stating facts. Facts make them go nuts. And when they go nuts, they call you a fag and threaten your life. I know the Chicks were frightened, just watch the documentary Shut Up And Sing, but in the words of Henry Gondorf, they dont threaten to kill ya, you know you're not gettin to em.

Speaking of death, Alvin Lee of Ten Years After died recently after routine surgery. Alvin Lee hit his peak at Woodstock by outperforming everybody else that whole muddy weekend. The segment in the movie Woodstock featuring Lee slamming I'm Going Home is phenomenal. I've owned the Woodstock album since it came out in 1970. Listening to that song is still absolutely thrilling to me. Alvin Lee was an unsung guitar god. But we'll always have Woodstock . He's going home, via helicopter.

1 comment:

  1. It's a shame that the Dixie Chicks were criticized as badly as they were for simply telling the truth, and there will never be another fuitarust like Alvin Lee!
