Friday, January 11, 2013

Did I Fire 600 Shots Or Only 599?

The Child Murder Advocates will not stop. They will not stop saying "yes child murder is disgusting....but..." at which point they launch into their tired what if Adam Lanza had a knife or a lead pipe, huh huh? Then after we all agree that mentally ill people need help, the Child Murder Advocates go back to their tea party and start crying about deficits and trillion dollar coins and taxes.

Well, if you've had enough of these CMA's, get ready for Gun Appreciation Day set for January 19th, the day before President Barack Hitler Stalin Mao and Hussein Obummer gets sworn in for another Acorn aided illegal alien voting second term. Is that a threat?

Gun Appreciation Day is to be patterned after Chik Fil A Appreciation Day from last year when thousands of weight challenged bigots showed up at your local Chik Fil A to show how much they hate the gays and how by eating fried chicken and freedom fries can lead to gays going away when in fact, its you idiots who eat that shit who will be going away. Gun Appreciation Day, when thousands of CMA's with big guns and tiny self esteem show up at gun shops and gun shows and Ted Nugent listening parties to show that commie not my President of theirs how he's not gonna take their guns no matter if a drone blows them to smithereens or not. My gun can stop any gubmint takeover. So there!

Speaking of the Nuge, I see he has offered his expertise to Joe Biden in a Halodel haze of a letter, no doubt written by somebody with sanity on their side, offering to help solve this gun problem. I assume by letting Ted shoot everybody he comes in contact with, his lifelong dream, that and being taken seriously as a musician by people other than shirtless hillbillies who like noise. Hey, if Ted kills a whole lot of people, there's bound to be a bad apple or two in there. It's just the odds of a blind squirrel finding that acorn, like when radio stations actually played Cat Scratch Fever back in '78.

In more CMA news, poor Keith Ratliff. You know him, he is, or was, a self described "gun nut" with the allegedly 11th most popular YouTube channel. YouTube has channels?
Anyway, poor Keith, who apparently like to do videos of himself fondling guns and showing you how much ammo he had. Unfortunately for Keith, he was about one round short the other day cuz he got himself shot in the head and now he's a dead gun nut. Now that, my friends, is ironic, dontcha think?

Finally we have one James Yeager, an alleged CEO of some paranoid weapons training company. James, a shaved headed tattooed oddball (sound familiar) posts a video on HIS Youtube channel (where have I been, how many fucking channels does this thing have?) and states he will start "killing people" if that nasty black man who aint his President comes to take his guns away. Ok there tough guy, calm down, and get your answers ready for when the guys who wear shades and talk into their coat sleeves come a callin'.

Child Murder Advocates are few and far between I am sure. But for chrissakes they have BIG fucking mouths, and tiny little self esteems. So on Gun Appreciation Day, January 19th, take these fine Americans lunch. A nice greasy Chik Fil A and fries. In fact, make it two.

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