Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Does Romney Have A Barcode On His Body?

Ok I'm beginning to worry. I am worried that Mitt Romney will lie and buy his way right into the White House. This worry, which I never really faced until last night, is getting real.

I thank the American people for this. At least the idiots they polled on CNN or NBC or that other place I don't turn to. 60% think Mitt Romney is fit to be Commander in Chief based on last night? Really? A guy who spent an hour and a half saying "yeah I agree with what that guy just said, but I'm a white guy(wink wink)." What the hell is wrong with people? Based on the clips I saw (I didn't watch the goddamned thing because the Giants were playing and the Bears were almost as boring as Rombot) Mittens Romney agreed with virtually everything Obama said. And he paid no price for this shameless pandering? Other than get a bump in the number of knuckleheads who saw him as somebody they'd trust to send their kids off to die?

I have no idea what's going on here. It just seems that Obama can't shake this 3 sides to every issue Kochsucker. Is the Billion dollar attempt to oust the black guy working? Are people so utterly spongelike that endless bullshit just can't be kept out? Chrissakes, a President Rom......damn I can't even type the fucking word.

I am still optimistic this will turn out correct and people will not wish to return to the times of Joe McCarthy but I had the same optimistic feeling in 2004. And then Diebold voting machines spewed out horrific Bush vomit in ,ta daaaaaaaa, Ohio.

Ugh! Pass me another Colt 45!

1 comment:

  1. Obama will definitely beat Romney. We have never elected a snake oil salesman President yet, and we won't begin with Romney.
