Saturday, September 1, 2012

Leopard Meet Spots!

They just can't help it. The Republicans, I mean. It all comes out even after they "welcome" Condy Rice, some black Mormon chick from Utah via Haiti, some Mexican Governor, Marco Rubio, and old senile white men. But when all the bullshit is done, their true selves still rear their ugly heads. Whether it's throwing peanuts at the liberal media camerawoman who just happens to be somebody of color, or yapping on NPR on how much you hate Michelle Obama because she doesn't "look" like a First Lady like that nice Ann Romney does, or now.

Posting on their blog, some Pennsylvania Republican couple who attended that rally of "diversity" was outraged about some Mexican they saw at Epcot. Hell, I didn't even know Epcot was even still around. Mark and Irene Harris of Pennyslvania (the Alabama middle section I presume) didn't care for that much. He had a Mexican name in the "American" section. Oh myyy.

Wonder what these two hicks thought when those two patriots Martinez and Rubio got up there and showed Republicans how not racist they were.

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