Saturday, July 7, 2012
Mitt's Shit!
I cannot believe this stuttering soulless Mormon son of a bitch is even still around but he is. And he seems to be gaining. WTF???
There is no plausible reason this snobby prick is even close in the polls to anybody. But he is. What could possibly be the reason? This principle challenged shark is a complete liar. If he truly believes in all that Planet Kolob shit and the whole Mormon 9 yards, where lying is not permitted, and honor and charity are demanded, why is this hypocrite still popular? Why would some evangelical christian from Alabama ever vote for this liar? Why would any insider on Wall Street ever vote for this Mormon bishop? Why would any older person, already struggling, vote for this jackoff who would cut their throat without guilt for another dime of profit? Why? Well let's hope the lies of Mittens Romney catch up with him.
When Willard Romney talks, he lies. When he says President Obama has raised taxes, he's lying. When he says the President has increased spending "without precedent" he's lying. When Romney claims the President has cost the economy jobs, he's not only lying, he's fucking lying. When Romney makes shit up about "Obamacare", which he does on a daily basis, he's lying. When Romney claims that Dow Chemical refused to build a plant in Oklahoma because of "regulations", he's lying his ass off. When Mittens bellows that "Obamacare will cost 20 million people their insurance" it is so unbelievable that only the most adamant of the dumb who watch Fox would buy into that. When Willard the Liar says he cut government spending in Massachusetts he is lying. When Mitt the Witless says that "Obamacare" will cut $500 billion zillion quatrillion from Medicare, he is full of shit. When Romney says Obama didn't mention the debt or deficit once in the State of The Union, he's either deaf or fucking lying again.
Anyway you get the idea. Mitt Romney is a sociopathic liar. Hey folks, all this stuff is not that difficult to look up. I did it in seconds. The only reason you believe the Romney bullshit is if you want to believe it. And we know there's a lot of dishonest people who want to hop on the Romney garbage truck. The big question is why. Here's a moderate Republican from the Northeast who has changed his mind on so many issues it brings his integrity into question at the very least. He's a Mormon. He's a draft dodger who spent his Mormon mission in a French castle trying to convince the French to stop drinking wine. He failed miserably by the way. He's a man who claimed to be more pro life than Ted Kennedy. He started an individual mandate for buying health insurance for chrissakes!!! What is about this blue blooded bastard that appeals to anyone? Hmmmm....
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