Sunday, July 29, 2012

Left Limeys!

I saw it and I cheered. Way to go, Britain. Driving the wingnuts crazy in the US and getting your Nazi loving conservatives to tweet about "leftie" opening ceremonies being more commie than Beijing. Yeah!

But seriously,come on, Brits. you know the United States has the greatest health care system in the world that needs to be fixed. Ask any Republican with a fucking job and health insurance. They'll tell you. If you aint got insurance it aint America's fault. It's your fault for being a lazy bum. The NHS is a commie socialist Obama-ism like he wants to bring here. You know, like insuring all those poor people and those middle class losers who gripe and complain when their employer says yeah uhhhh we need more cash to sit on so you have to give up being all healthy and all that other faggy environmental pansy ass junk. Real Americans get sick and die and like it. Real Americans like to get diabetes and fat and heart attacks and cancer and if Michele Obama wants us to be all veggie and skinny well then it must be some sort of Black Panther control deal.

Yeah English pig dogs, we are # 1 in everything! Damn your pinko statistics and anything else that shows us as #23 or #38 or #41 or # anything other than #1 cuz we are the United States of America! Mittens Romney is going to restore our glory with his tax cuts and Hoover like policies like back in the good old days when all those minorities and lezbos knew their place. U S A U S A!

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