Monday, July 2, 2012
A Child's Garden Of Republican Verses!
Now that the Affordable Health Care Act has been saved by another flip flop from a Republican whose last name starts with "R" the righties have begun self flagellating yet again. What is it with you people? You have no idea what you are talking about. Just because a lying sack of Irish vomit like Sean Hannity or a cheap chinless whore like Mitch McConnell says something don't make it so.
Anyway, some of the heroes of the right have reacted in ways that can only be described as, well, there's no way around this, Palin-arded.
The Alaska airhead herself tweeted, "Obama lied to the American people. Again. He said it wasn’t a tax. Obama lies, freedom dies.”
Gee, Caribou Barbie, you make me wish you were right. I wish you didn't have the freedom to be a fucking retard.
The College Republicans (what a nerdfest that must be) tweeted, "Help us raise 10k by midnight in the fight against Obamacare — We must send a message."
No doubt these fucksticks are probably all on their parent's insurance, thanks to "Obamacare".
Rep. Joe Walsh (Deadbeat Dad-Il) tweeted, "Today’s SCOTUS decision forces a new tax on middle class Americans, this is unacceptable."
Hey Joe, pay your child support and maybe somebody would give a fuck what you say.
Dennis Miller, former comedian, said, " As of today, the Obama campaign will start accepting contributions of unused air miles and counterfeit bills."
As with most everything Miller says, Chachi, it aint funny and nobody knows what it means.
Congressman Steve King (Embarrassment-Ia) said " “American freedom and Liberty have taken a hard blow today.”
Gee Steve, you need to ask for God's forgiveness, "Hard' and "blow" in the same sentence? I knew there was a dark Steve out there!
Rep Louie Gohmert (Goober-Tx)went so crazy he wanted to do bad things to Justice Elena Kagan saying, "she has violated federal law, and as such she needs to be removed from the Supreme Court. I think it’s important to look at Justice Kagan for potential impeachment. "
Gohmert is so stupid he probably thinks Kagan invented those exercises "whores" do with their nether regions.
Michele Bachmann (FagHag-Mn) said, ""This undermined the credibility of the Supreme Court first by the court having a schizophrenic view of whether Obamacare is a tax, They said it is not a tax for purpose of jurisdiction for hearing the case. Then they said it was a tax for upholding the constitutionality."
This just proves Michele is as lousy a doctor (schizophrenic?) as she is a lawyer, a congresswoman, and a judge of men.
Rep. Jean Schmidt (Wicked Witch-Oh) didn't really say anything except "Yes, Yes" apparently having her first orgasm in years when Fox falsely reported (redundant I know)the mandate was struck down. It's a disturbing video as this bonerack quivers like Ronald Reagan himself was gippering her.
Rep Allen West (Lunatic-Fl) said,“If I were to go out and say that every person in the United States of America needs to go out and buy a 9mm Glock, or else they will be taxed, I wonder how the people such as Nancy Pelosi on the other side of the aisle would react to that,"That really is the precedent that has been established."
Uh, no. But you're welcome to buy a Glock and hopefully have an "accident".
Ben Quayle (Chip off the old block-AZ) proposed fighting back against the Supreme Court's healthcare decision by amending the Constitution so that no law can be considered a tax unless Congress designates it as a tax.....Amending the constitution? Really Ben? You make your old man look like William F Buckley.
Meanwhile three Republican Governors, Bobby Jindal (Exorcist-La), Rick Scott (Fraud Artist-Fl) and Davey Heineman (Dwarf-Ne) all claimed they would not implement the Medicaid section of the Affordable Health Act. This from three frauds who said the same thing about the stimulus and then quietly took the money.
Oh the reactions are priceless. Let us all assume these nuts all favor pre-existing exclusions, kids being uninsured, preventative treatment not being offered and people to fucking die if they can't afford to pay cash. All in all, that's exactly what they believe in. No doubt.
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