Saturday, July 14, 2012

Ayyyyyyyye! Paulie!!!!

Wow, and I thought Chris Christie was a loud, obnoxious fuck. This is Maine Governor Paul "Sounds Suspiciously French To Me" LePage. The Jesse Ventura of New England. The winner back in 2010 of the Maine Governor's race because 61% of the normal thinking Maine-eans voted to send this Le Thug back to the corner sidewalk bistro from whence he came. Unfortunately, Maine became Italy for 2010 and Teebag LeTeabag won a 5 person gubernatorial race by picking up the cranky old white people vote and landslided himself to 38% and a seat in that there Governor's chair. Nice going, Maine-ers. If you weren't up in the bald spot of America, this guy would be the laughingstock of the normal thinking nation and unfortunately, the Jan Brewer of the Northeast without the bony finger to the cranky old white sausage fingers of the wingnut nation. Pfew! I felt a bit like the Nitwit of the North there not taking a breath.

Paul LePage. Governor of Maine. What does Governor LeChristie have to say about a variety of things? Well let's geaux.

Governor Paulie first took down a labor inspired mural in the state capitol because "This building is not a organized labor building. End of story!"

No it's the state capitol there, Paulie, and a lot of organized labor citizens helped pay for it.

Another LeNitwit-ism--- "If you take a plastic bottle and put it in the microwave and you heat it up, it gives off a chemical similar to estrogen. So the worst case is some women may have little beards".

That is so out of whack I am just le flabbergasted. He's been watching too much Fox and Friends again.

What does LeKlan think of NAACP and Martin Luther King? "Tell them to kiss my butt"

Wow, Paulie. that'll teach those noires a thing or two. Yeah no more than two I'm sure.

Guv Le Ventura Jr. on whether creationism (haha I cant stop giggling whenever I hear that term) should be taught in Maine schools? "I would say intelligence, uh, the more education you have the more knowledge you have the better person you are and I believe yes and yes."

Yes, we have Wasilla Quitta on the west and Caribou Paulie in the east. Good bookends America.

Governor LeEmployed on the unemployed---"Maine’s welfare program is cannibalizing the rest of state government. I am compassionate and committed to our children, our elderly, and our disabled. But to all you able-bodied people out there, get off the couch and get yourself a job."

Great advice, numbnuts. Aren't there like 4 people applying for every 1 job or something? I swear I can see LePenguin twirling his umbrella as he spouts off.

The most famous gem out of Lepage's piehole? To the President of the United States, a guy who got 52% of the vote not 38%. --- "...go to hell".

Well at least he didn't throw in a "kiss my butt" quip also. The entire Maine legislature could kiss this dipshit's butt at once.

Finally this week, after the Supremes upheld the Affordable Care Act, also know as the Marxist Socialist Nazi Feudalism Death Panel Act, LePager yapped about the IRS and called them "the new Gestapo". To be fair, He later apologized with a heartfelt address in which he stated "the IRS is not the Gestapo...yet"

Ohhhhhhhh! Paulie. You just can't help it, can you? That's kind of like apologizing for using the word "Gestapo" and saying you meant to say "the SS".

Paul Le Page. Embarrassment to Maine. But that's ok, Maine-guys. Lots of us have embarrassing Governors since 2010's old white people temper tantrum. Let's just hope somebody has the guts to grab the screaming kid and throw him into his room in 2012.

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