Saturday, June 16, 2012

Diss Old House!

Is this a pattern? Is this a planned strategy? Or is it like the old scorpion and frog joke? They are who they are. Republicans. Disrespectful of a man no matter who he is, he's just another n****** to them. Yep, that's it. There can be no other explanation.

Yesterday, some "reporter" from the Daily Caller, Tucker Carlson's latest failure, decided to holler at the President of the United States in the middle of his presser. Nah, he couldn't wait till the man was finished, who the hell cares what the colored guy says, this Irish asshole (no names he aint worth it) decide to heckle Barack Obama before he was done. Question my ass. "Why do you care about foreigners more than Americans?" You mean like you, you Guinness gulping creep? This "question" was so fucking important, it could not wait. The President, probably sick to death of being dissed by white trash, got a bit testy. I would have preferred instead of testy, Obama would have jumped onto the lawn and beat the living shit out of this whiskey soaked Celtic sop and given the right wing media something of substance to piss and moan about.

This is normal for this President. Unlike any other President ever, including the truly despicable ones like 37 and 43, nobody has had to endure the disrespect this man has. And for what? What has he done so utterly contemptible to warrant such hostile behavior from members of the disloyal opposition? Well, we all know what that is. He was born black. No more of this "just because I disagree with Obama doesn't mean I'm a racist" shit. I heard that line from a gang of geriatric thugs last summer over and over at a so called "Tea Party" rally. "We aren't racist" were the first words out of every single speaker's mouth. Sorry. Yeah, you are.

Whether it be Joe Wilson's "you lie" screech at a State of the Union address, a sitting congressman named Doug Lamborn (Racist-Co) calling Obama a "tar baby", Patrick J Buchanan referring to him as a "boy", Mark Halperin calling Obama a "dick", or Jan Brewer sticking her bony finger in his face, these people all share one thing. A complete lack of respect for anyone not white like them. They would all deny it, but you cannot deny genetics. It's inbred into these people. The fact that white people in suits, like them, are being denied their god given right to have whatever they want is being chipped away is tough to take. When people feel themselves losing power, the lash out. When people are denied what they feel is rightfully theirs by birthright, they get angry. Right, Mittens? If it's not a piece of dog crap like Limbaugh making racist "jokes", or another Irish prick like Sean Hannity (I can do this cuz I'm an Irish prick myself) starts crowing that Obama is cracking under the pressure. Not the pressure of being disrespected because of his color, but because he hates the job but loves the perks (code for all black people want something for nothing), it's your everyday idiot sending racist e-mails and made up stories around to their fellow racist buddies.

I hate this. I hate the fact we have become so divided. But we have. And it's time to realize that the other side is beyond hope. It's not class warfare, it's all out warfare. The sooner that the Obama camp realizes this , the quicker people like me come back on board. Despite being libs, there's nothing better than fighting right wingers, mentally of course, they have guns and love to use them. It's like brawling with a guy without limbs after awhile. You just have to walk away as he screams you're a bloody coward (thanks Monty Python).

Yep, as Reagan the Great once said, "facts are stupid things". So are genetic racists.

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