Saturday, May 12, 2012
Willard The Rat!
You know what? I'm just going to say it. Fuck Mitt Romney. This Mormon motherfucker has a constant record of being a total condescending prick. In fact, he's the classic example of a sociopath. Caring about the bottom line, his bottom line and to hell with the rest of us. Yeah, fuck Mitt Romney, and the dressage horse he rode in on.
Mitt Romney is a stiff. If he's not tying a dog to the roof of his car, he's ruining hard working people's lives, or he's holding down a non conformist at his prestigious prep school, a "homosexual" as he refers to him, and cuts his longer than average blonde locks. Then years later he calls friendly media and chuckles about the "hi jinks" he was involved in. Yeah, assault and battery, a hate crime if you will, is simply hilarity to this prick. And oh yeah, before I forget, fuck you too Anne Romney for marrying this human dildo. Wild and crazy my ass. $990 for a form fitting hideous t shirt is not wild and crazy. It's just crazy.
At Bain Capital, this soulless trust fund baby would hover over struggling companies before swooping in to rape them of all assets, fire people and run away with millions in profits. Just read the Villagevoice article entitled Mitt Romney, Parasite if you really want to know the real Mittens. Romney is an asshole, period.
Romney's track record of total lack of empathy is well documented. Just since he's been running for President this time we've heard how he spends $30 million alone in Iowa just to screw over Gingrich. How he calls for more foreclosures, not less. It's in his DNA to wreck people's lives. It's what gets him all excited. He wins and you lose. It's that simple. This insecure sack of monkey shit doesn't believe in losing anything and he will drop a nuke on an anthill like Gingrich or Santorum just to show them he can. Never wanting for anything, he has to keep dead George Romney happy and proud, despite the elder Romney's spinning in his grave over the fact he fathered this waste of sperm. Romney wants you to lose your house faster, wants you to lose your job faster, wants you to kowtow to his obviously superior genetic equation. And he wants you to love him. Love me, loser.
Romney, with all the money in the world, would now like you to reward his divine birth with all the power in the world also. And he wants you to do so with a big smile on your face, though he intends to fuck you over and reward his buddies and he doesn't care if you know it. He cannot understand if you dislike him. What with his superior breeding and obvious genius IQ, how could you not let him have what he wants? You obviously are jealous of his good looks and "success" in inheriting every cent he has if you don't like him. What's not to like? He's Willard Mitt Romney, goddamnit!
The best thing that could happen to America is to send this jackwagon home a loser. To spit on this fucker's political grave would be the best. For this privileged prick to lose to a commoner, a half breed, a man his great great grandpappy and grandmamas would have owned would be the ultimate slap in the face to this entitled elitist. Fuck Mitt Romney. And fuck anyone who votes for him.
Thank you, I feel much better.
You are quite welcome.
ReplyDeleteI feel better too.