Friday, February 10, 2012

So, What Was Hitler Like?

Let's talk something I know about for a change. Catholicism. 12 years of the dogma, the brainwashing, the installation of guilt, and the knowledge I wasn't even good lookin enough to get hit on by Father O'Diddle. That's what Catholicism did for me.

Now the racketeers that run the Catholic Church in the United States have thrown a fit over the Obama mandate (not boydate, Padre, mandate) that insurance plans must cover birth control free of charge to their slutty female temptresses who have the gall to work outside the home at catholic institutions and don't stay home pumping out future contributors to the molester slush fund. How dare they! The tramps!

Of course , the President, under intense pressure from religious whackjobs who aren't even catholic, bowed to the old perverts running the church and gave them another addition to their bullshit spank bank. Why, Mr. President? Most Catholics couldn't give a rat's ass about this issue and the only ones screaming are not going to vote for you anyway. In fact, Mr.President. a helluva lot of so called Catholic women have been popping birth control pills more often than they suck that wafer down on Sundays, or more probably, Saturday night so they don't have to do the walk of shame AND get ready for Mass. In fact, Mr.Obama, a helluva lot of Catholic women have undergone the old D&C. You know, that's Catholic for ,shhhhhhh, abortion. Hey, Mr.Obama, can I call you Barack now, a helluva lot of Catholic women have also been "known" by guys they didn't marry, too. In fact, B O, a lot of Catholic chicks only have one of two kids. In fact most of them only have one or two kids. What's up with that? Come on, Barack, give them a break. Don't make them pay for birth control that puts them in jeopardy of everlasting "grace".

But the guys in the funny hats in the long dresses who carry around a giant crucifix have a lot of clout with the flock. Oh, not that flock, hell no, most Catholics don't give a shit about their stupid fucking rules. It's the hateful born again assholes who are raising the stink over this. You know, total pricks like Rick Warren. The Boner (how ironic is it a guy named Boner addressed the pro life nuts?)is raising hell. The Republicans are so angry they hung up on their hookers to express their outrage.

Oh this makes me laugh. Catholicism. I retired from it long ago. Any organization run by pedophiles, power hungry losers, repressed gay men, degenerates hiding from the world, and total scam artists cannot possibly be taken this seriously. Who listens to these silly people any longer? Stuck in their women hating dogma, these jackoffs will never change. The money is too good, the power is too good, and for some of them I'm sure the tail is too good. Why give up this racket? The way these grifters operate, the only Jesus they serve is when the gardener shows up.

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