Friday, February 17, 2012

Buchanan Uber Alles!

America's favorite fascist crank, Patrick J Buchanan, is out at MSNBC. He is? When was he ever on MSNBC? In fact, when has Pat ever been anywhere lately? Damn, Pat's out? Just when I was looking forward to his views on contraception. I'm sure his views would have fallen somewhere between Father Coughlin and Josef Mengele. Free contraception for anyone darker than Mika Brzezinski!

Pat is gonzo? I doubt it. He'll pop up whining about poor oppressed white guys on Hannity soon enough while Sean nods his head and fantasizes about what he'd look like in a Waffen SS uniform.

Pat Buchanan has been entertaining me for years. From his stint on Crossfire when he pissed my father off on a nightly basis to his giggling rants on John McLaughlin's borefest, Pat has been the one conservative racist, anti-semite, homophobe, Nazi loving whackjob I really think I could have a beer with without ripping their throat out within 60 seconds. Come on, Pat was a man way ahead of his time. He was hating gays, Jews, blacks, hispanics and defending Nazi war criminals long before Santorum and Mittens came along. Patrick J., we hardly knew ya.

Wait, we do know him? Pat's expressed his admiration for Spanish fascist Francisco Franco & Joe McCarthy. How ironic he's claiming he's being "blacklisted" while kneeling before the Joe McCarthy shrine with Ginny Thomas and Ann Coulter. Patrick J has called the Congress "Israeli occupied territory" and has called anti-semitic old school catholics 'defenders of the faith". Move to Lincoln,Nebraska, Pat ol boy. That diocese still has racks and iron maidens to deal with the post Vatican 2 jerks.

Pat has also never met a Nazi war criminal he didn't like. Remember his passionate defense of John Demanjuk. the retired "auto worker" from Cleveland and oh yeah, death camp guard at Sobibor. Pat just sees no reason to keep bringing up that Holocaust thing. After all, it was just Jews, and gays and gypsies and a few Catholic priests who got out of line. What's the biggie?

Pat has never met an immigrant he didnt hate, unless of course they were Irish or English, you know, normal people like him. Everybody else is a "Zulu". Remember way back when Pat was shilling for Nixon, he argued that intelligence was a white thing and educating the rest of humanity was a waste of taxpayer money? Wow, Pat. More irony. You gotta be kidding me. Look in the mirror for the face of ignorance.

Pat Buchanan is off MSNBC. Wow, other than the fact I didn't know he was even on MSNBC, I can see why the poor oppressed white conservatives are all up in arms. MSNBC ALWAYS fires conservatives because they aren't given a voice there. Right, Keith Olbermann?

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