Tuesday, January 10, 2012
You Cocks Suck!
Can we just tell the South they won after all and let them run their own little cracker nation? South Carolina Republican moron Paul Campbell has introduced a bill in the South Carolina legislature (boy that must be a brain trust) stating that if are unemployed longer than 6 months and wish to continue getting unemployment benefits, you have to become a slave, errrr, "volunteer" for 16 hours per week serving your state masters at whatever it is you do in South Carolina. Now we all know that if you're out of work for longer than 6 months, you are a lazy bum who just doesn't want to go get a job as a CEO, a gasbag radio talk show host, or a tax sucking politician. You want to live on $235 a week unemployment riches and drink rum and watch your 65 inch flat screen all day while the rest of South Carolina works plucking chickens and voting for a liar like Nikki Haley.
Now, like most places, South Carolina has about a 10% unemployment rate. The state features an alleged adulterous Governor who ran around that state hollering that 50% of the unemployed failed drug tests. Well she was close. It was 1%. Nationwide she was even closer, it was 2%. I thought Indians were good at math? There's another state senator down Fort Sumter way that wants to test the unemployed for drugs, and make those losers pay for it themselves out of their vast savings.
I don't know, but I'm pretty sure the vast majority of the Tea Party Carolina rebs probably support this bill. After all, when you have a job, or are a social security sucking teabagger, you tend to think everybody other than you is a slacker and needs to be jailed or thrown off a bridge. But 16 hours of involuntary servitide a week? Hey, South Carolina, ever heard of the 13th Amendment? We, and by we I mean those of us with IQ's over 80, kicked your treasonous asses about 150 years ago because you forced people to "volunteer". Give it a rest.
If this bill passes, and is implemented, at least until any court in the free world deems it unconstitutional, I suggest the the South Carolina state motto be changed from "at least we're not Mississippi" to "Arbeit Macht Frei".
Great suggestion, Max's Dad. I wonder how that trust-funder Romney's cold and insensitive comments about "the politics of envy" will play down there?