Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Even Chuck Heston Is Spinning In HIs Grave!

Ok, I did not bother to watch the SOTU last night because looking at the Boner's orange mug for two hours was not on my agenda. Thus, no opinion, though I'm sure I stood and applauded in spirit many times. But a couple of things have caught my attention and given me a giant headache.

Oklahoma. You know Oklahoma, just north of Texas and just south of Kansas. The meat in the middle of a hoagie of dumb. Oklahoma State Senator Ralph Shorty, yeah I can't make that name up, has decided that he has the solution to a non existent epidemic. Senator Shorty (seriously?) has introduced legislation to outlaw food companies from using aborted fetuses in their food meant for human consumption. Huh? How this Okie came up with this outrage is beyond me but I guess it has something to do with a pro-life, unless you're actually born, group, the Children of God For Life being incensed their collective IQ's don't reach triple figures and thinking Soylent Green was a documentary from the 70's starring Moses.

Come on Ralphie buddy! Your state already has a bad enough rep from passing that no Sharia law in Oklahoma deal in 2010 that a court laughed out of existence. Why are you making us no longer wonder why Tom Joad left your stupid state? Ralphie has also sponsored laws in the legislature to do away with the Court of Appeals down there and just hang 'em outside the courthouse I presume, to confiscate the houses and cars and extra burritos from illegals (if you've seen Ralphie you know why he'd want the burritos, yum), and he's one of those birther guys who think Obama is a Kenyan socialist. Or just a foreign commie. I doubt if Ralphie knows what Kenya or socialism is anyway.

Even in Oklahoma this bill won't pass. There's enough intelligence in that legislative body to stop nonsense like this in its tracks. Now if it ever went to a vote of the citizens of Oklahoma, I have no doubt it would pass. I have no doubt because the people of Oklahoma are the ones who voted this dumb son of a bitch into office in the first place. Boomer Sooner baby!

Now to you, Tennessee. The Tennessee Tea Party, boy there's a Mensa meeting I'm sure, has asked the Tennessee legislature to make schools down there stop telling the truth about the Founding Fathers cuz it bugs them that Thomas Jefferson was banging Sally Hemmings and the American Indians got in the way and got run over and genocided cuz they wouldn't move for the nice white people. The Tea Party down in Tennessee says telling the students of Tennessee that George Washington chopped down a cherry tree and that Dolly Madison invented Twinkies and John Adams looked like Paul Giammatti and that John Hancock was an insurance agent and Nathan Hale actually said that thing about giving but one life for his country instead of hollering "what the fuck are you Limey assholes doing?" is "history". Great. Once again, there is enough brainpower in the Tennessee legislature to stop garbage like this but the fact the Tea Party really believes their own power mad bullshit is getting old.

Once again, 2012 is pivotal. Throwing the morons who won in 2010 out is top priority because if that happens, Obama wins. Otherwise we will all be learnin' like Texas kids do now. That the Klan really wasn't that bad, but the Black Panthers were violent terrorists intent on raping your daughters. That's what they teach down there. Look it up. Just Google "Santorum"........just kidding...

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