Tuesday, January 17, 2012

15%? Oh The Humanity!!!!

I am really sick of writing about this fucking guy because I know the son of a bitch is going to win the Republican nomination and self implode all over the elephantine delegates this summer. But everyday this dork comes up with some other reason to hate his magic underwear donning guts.

Today, somewhere in South Carolina, while pandering to whatever group of rednecks have gathered, Mittens Romney told reporters he "believes" he pays about 15% of his income in taxes. 15%? A guy whose estimated worth is somewhere north of $250 million? He pays 15%? For fucks sake, I paid more than that and I'm freakin' poor.

Oh I forgot,Mittens has been proudly "unemployed" since 2007, like a lot of Americans stuck under Republican rule. Christ, how does he make it? Why he makes some money, "not much" by his standards, about $374K for boring the shit out of people who actually show up to hear his robot like wit. Jesus, Mittens, if you're going to talk like a robot, at least get some tips from Bender. Anyway, Mittens makes the speech money, again "not much" according to him. Then he makes a crapload of money off "investments". Translation: All those companies he vultured in on and took over, enjoyed firing everybody , and then took all the money left over and stuffed it in his empty dog carrier? Yeah that money. The "capital gains" tax rate. You know, the tax rate Republicans insist on keeping because all those capital gains result in more and more jobs? Name me one job that unemployed bum Romney has created since he got laid off in 2007? Go ahead.

Romney is such a tool he'll probably try to deduct on his "tax" return that $150 or so he shoved at that unemployed woman the other day to get her the hell away from him. Hey. Mittens remember Ronald Reagan, your "hero". The guy Sean Hannity beats off to? Ronald Reagan said "........We’re going to close the unproductive tax loopholes that allow some of the truly wealthy to avoid paying their fair share..... In practice they sometimes made it possible for millionaires to pay nothing, while a bus driver was paying ten percent of his salary, and that’s crazy. [...] Do you think the millionaire ought to pay more in taxes than the bus driver or less?

Obama has been using that quote lately to make Sean Hannity go limp. Mittens, do you agree with Reagan or his he now some whacked out socialist too?

Sometimes I think Obama has put these Republican candidates into the forefront saying the crazy stuff they do by some sort of secret Kenyan voodoo. How else can you explain this? Mittens, you've been proudly unemployed for almost 5 years now. Isn't it about time you started looking for meaningful employment? On second thjought, as long as this jackoff is wasting his money and time running for President, lots of Americans are safely employed.....For now.

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