Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Warning To Democrats!

OK. I am officially concerned about these midterm elections coming up. Yeah even though this Glenn Beck rally only drew 87,000 dimbulbs in one size too small t shirts and no one with any brains actually listened to Elmer Gantry, all 87,000 of those dopes are going to vote. Last time I checked, delusional, "oppressed" white people are allowed to vote. This concerns me.

Are we going to vote? Are we going to stop these people from sending genuine lunatics like Sharon Angle or Carly Fiorina or Rand Paul or Ken Buck or Joe Miller to the United States Senate? Now I'm no fan of the Senate as a whole. I often feel it should be abolished, I mean come on, Nebraska has two Senators and so does California? Wyoming has two Senators as does New York? Red states are way to overrepresented in that body but nonetheless, it's not going away. We have to vote, people. If we stay home, they win. Can you imagine? It would be anarchy. These nuts don't believe in government in any way, shape or form. They trust capitalism. Unregulated capitalism. They trust Goldman Sachs or BP or Citibank or Union Carbide to actually behave in responsible ways without government regulation. Oops, sorry, I just threw up in my mouth a little.

Sharon Angle is not only dense, she's plain dangerous. Rape victims need to turn to God and have their rape babies, I assume due to government "regulation" forbidding abortions ? She is the typical moonbat we've been seeing since the 60's. Out of the UN. Privatize Social Security. Abolish the Department of Education. Second Amendment "remedies" to losing elections. Harry Reid may be worthless, but he's not Sharon Angle worthless.

Rand Paul is maybe even nuttier than Sharon Angle. Obeying the Civil Rights Act should be voluntary? Coal Miners don't need safety regulation? Fining BP is "un-American"? Extending unemployment benefits encourages "drug use"? Aqua Buddha? Paul makes his Dad sound like a complete milquetoast akin to Ben Nelson. Ugh!

Carly Fiorina is "so yesterday". This woman was named one of the 20 Worst American CEO's of all time" by Conde Nast. This puts her in great company with such luminaries as Ken Lay and Roger Smith. She ran Hewlett Packard into the ground so bad they paid her $20 million to get the fuck out. 18,000 people lost their jobs to this Lizzy Borden like CEO and in the days after she was paid to leave, HP stock soared. Yeah, California, send this self promoting leech to the Senate.

Ken Buck, Senate candidate from Colorado, did call birthers "dumbasses" which means he's only 98% nuts. He does wish to repeal the 17th Amendment which provides for direct election of U.S. Senators. He wants you to vote for him because he "doesn't wear high heels"? While District Attorney of Weld County, Colorado he seized tax records of 5,000 folks as part of a witch hunt on alleged illegals. The Colorado Supreme Court said whoa there, Bucko. He was forced to take ethics classes while working for the Justice Department. Why? I guess because he's an unethical son of a bitch.

Joe Miller beat out Lisa Murkowski in the Alaska Senate Republican primary. What? Alaska is really a state? That's a whole other post to be done. Why they admitted a place full of drifters, deadbeats and derelicts as a state is beyond me. Another reason to abolish the Unite States Senate I guess. Joe Miller says his campaign will be funded by "God". Joe Miller wants to do away with Social Security by spreading the lie that the system is pending bankruptcy. Joe Miller has 8 kids. That means he gets 10 dividend checks from the Alaska Permanent Fund, a government "shakedown" of the oil industry pushed by Caribou Barbie. He may have gotten $32,000 in "entitlements" from the "government". Joe Miller is going to win, and he's a complete sociopath. Way to go, Alaska. Please go away.

This is what we face if we don't vote. I have no chance to get rid of these nuts because I don't live in any of those states. But these people scare me. These teabaggers are serious. They want their country back. You know, that country where they run stuff and minorities stay in their place and women stay home (unless running for office) and the kids all act like Beaver Cleaver. You know, fantasyland. But remember, fantasy trumps reality in most people's minds. Let's get out there for reality's sake!

1 comment:

  1. Max's Dad,
    You are SO correct! We cannot just sit idly by being disgusted. We've gotta VOTE! The Tea Party and GOP have put forth nothing but a stream of unqualified, ignorant, bottom-of-the-barrel crackpots, and we cannot allow these idiots to march into control of Congress!
