Friday, August 6, 2010

Blatherings Not From Caribou Barbie!

I can't believe everything's so awesome I haven't posted in a long time. Well scratch that thought cuz it's not so awesome but here we go.

1) Earl Benjamin Nelson is still the biggest tool in the United States Senate. This pandering nitwit has now catered to the nuts of the NRA in his never ending attempt to suck Republican Nebraska's cornhole. The only Democrat to oppose the Kagan nomination to the Supreme Court because she's not nutty gunny enough for him? Oh that's a new one, Earl, usually you are kissing the pro life hypocrites right on the tight lips. Most Republicans can't wait for 2012, when our midget Governor or his bug eyed child marriage opponent Attorney General take him down. I just can't wait for this phony Democrat to change parties, which I absolutely guarantee he will do. Get lost, you helmet haired suckass.

2) The closet cases who make up the American Family Association have called for the impeachment of Judge Vaughn Walker, who you might know as the gay Bush appointee who overturned Prop 8 out in California, upsetting the achte lieber out of closet case Governor Terminator. The AFA claims no homosexual should hold public office because they might let their "sexual proclivities" compromise their ability to be impartial judges when it comes to gay issues. The AFA also seems to think the Feds should have nothing to say about gay marriage as it is not in the Constitution. Ok geniuses, I guess that means David Vitter should not be making laws against prostitution, Larry Craig should not make laws against public indecency, John Ensign should make no laws against blackmail and Mitch McConnell should make no laws against protecting turtles. Oh yeah, and stop using that 1996 DOMA law, you know, the federal one, to argue your goddamned case. What I wouldn't give to see what kind of downloads are stuck way in the back of the AFA mainframe.

3) Future Republican presidential candidate , Tim Pawlenty, whoring around Iowa with his "hot" MILF wife arousing the libidos of overall wearing Iowans. "I'm very thankful for my red-hot smoking wife?" panted Pawlenty to the corn dog sucking rubes. Great, Tim, so now you're a pimp? Pawlenty also appealed to scared white people in his own state, Minnesota, to make English the official language of the Gopher State. There's so many jokes there I can't even tink aboot it. Ya knowwwwwwww.

4) Michele Bachmann was supposed to appear at a campaign rally for a teabagger opposed Senate candidate in Missouri last week, but she went into a hospital for an "undisclosed illness", at government expense I assume, before she could get there. For chrissakes, Congresswoman Lunatic, faking sick is so grade school. Her admission almost made me wish for real "death panels".

5) Go see "Inception". Twice. Not only will you get it the second time, it will make it more money and encourage Hollywood to make more smart movies. Please.

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