Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Ku Klux King!

Wow, that's a whole lotta crazy goin' on there. But just when you are ready to crown Michele Bachmann with the tin foil crown, back comes Steve King with a late rally. King is a nut, look at his Jesus-filled crazy eyes, and he keeps getting re-elected in a Congressional district right across the Missouri River from me. In fact, some of his district lies on my side of the river in a tiny section of Iowa that refuses to admit they are really Nebraska. In fact, for years the district was represented by a liberal Democrat who was highly popular. He retired, and they put some wacky juice in the water and along came King.

In case you haven't heard King's latest head up ass quote, it goes something like this. "The president has demonstrated he has a default mechanism that breaks down on the side of race-on the side that favors the black person". You know, the black person? That person with double and triple the unemployment rate of the rest of King's paleface constituency. The black person? That person with 1 out of 44 Presidential representation. Or maybe 1/2 of 44. Somewhere between 1 and 2 percent for you people who don't like numbers unless it's up on a Powerball billboard.

King did say this on G.Gordon Liddy's radio show. WTF? Liddy is still alive? And he has a radio show? For chrissakes, I thought for sure by now Liddy would be plotting with Nixon, Haldeman and Ehrlichman to bug Satan's I Phone. But apparently being a rat eating psychotic with a Just For Men mustache makes you immortal or something.

A default mechanism? Does King think Obama is a real robot? I know he acts like one sometimes but wigga please, Bill Clinton is blacker than Barack Obama ever thought of being.

Please Iowa, send this construction worker lunkhead back to Kiron where he can open a small motel and scare children with his tied up jackal dogs and nightly incantations. For now at least, the stunning Steve King has the tin foil crown Bachmann so covets. Whoda ever thought the Midwest could produce two such home school role models as these? We are such practical people out here. As long as the President is white, Republican and slightly retarded.

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