Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Don't Let The Door Hit Ya On The Way Out, Stan!
Well Barack Obama showed he wouldn't stand for one of his employees dissing he and his staff and fired said employee. Employee Stanley McChrystal is gone. Gone for being a dope.
I really shouldn't diss Stanley McChrystal's long service to this nation so I will stop. Thanks for the service, General. Thanks for covering up the Pat Tillman murder with bullshit stories of heroism. Tillman didn't need to be lied about. He already was a hero. Thanks for you flawed strategy in this pointless war that even your ground troops aren't buying into. Thanks for winning the hearts and minds of the Afghan people. Thanks for convincing Obama this is a war that can be won by sending more naive' young people into a meat grinder. Thanks for propping up that mound of jello, Hamid Karzai, and getting the endorsement of that three faced leech.
The sad part of this whole clusterfuck is the article in Rolling Stone was the last straw. The article shows McChrystal and his yes men as a group of juvenile posers. One who equates dinner with Frenchmen as "gay", calls his team of advisors "Team America", jokes about the Vice President's name calling him "Bite Me", and acts like he's president of Tappa Kegga Beer. This shouldn't have been the last straw, he should have gone a long freakin' time ago.
Now the right, in its genetic predisposition to bow to anything in authority, is going to skewer Obama. Sean Hannity is already getting off just thinking about it. It's a right winger's wet dream. Who can I bow to? McChrystal or BP? How about both? Oh yes oh yes.
I'm with you on this one all the way, Max's Dad. This particular Stan was not "the man." And as for Hannity, Gretchen Carlson, and all those other wingnuts over at Fox, they are all a bunch of squawking parrots saying nothing original or of substance.