Thursday, May 20, 2010
Stinkin Lincoln!
Omaha South High School is a majority (60%) Hispanic school here that is down on its luck as of late. Labeled as an underachieving school of dolts, slackers and gangsters(white people translation) the place needed a jolt of energy, anything positive at all and it had it this past week when its soccer team went to the state finals for the first time ever. It would have been South's first state championship in over 20 years in any sport.
The South High soccer team is 17/18 Hispanic. These kids, the seniors anyway, graduated from school and ran in their robes, to the soccer stadium to take part in the state championship game against Lincoln East, a suburban school full of white kids.
The stadium was packed. The largest high school soccer crowd in state history. The game was tight. It went to overtime. Lincoln East won. Yippee for the Spartans! The East students rushed the field in glee.
And then it happened. A number of Lincoln East students, in a premeditated display of boorishness at best, and blatant racism at worst, threw pre-made "green cards" at the South players. Green cards? At a predominately Hispanic soccer team? Wow, that's funny. If you're a moron. Or a fan of comedian Rush Limbaugh.
A shitstorm has erupted over this incident. Clueless white people say what's the big deal, outraged South parents want the Lincoln East team to forfeit. All in all, it's a big freaking mess.
Hey, kids will be kids. Some of them are dumb, and will stay that way. The kids who threw the green cards are dumb. The kids who waved the American flag at the South team are dumb, despite their disingenous claims of "patriotism". Anybody who thinks the act was funny is dumb. There's plenty of dumb to go around.
I can see that immature decisions can be made. I can see that nobody got killed and nobody got physically hurt, but the thing that bothers me most is this act was done AFTER the East team won. That's being a bully. That's what dittoheads do. Pick on those perceived to be further down the social scale. It's cowardice, plain and simple.
To be fair, there are a LOT of Lincoln East students and parents and faculty members who are appalled by this act. The kids involved have been suspended and apologies are being made. That's good. It restores my faith in people.
Look, bullies are chickenshits. It takes no guts to become one. Just self-loathing and insecurity. I remember at my all boys high school the standard joke used by other teams was to wave soap on a rope at us. Hilarious! But that was years ago. It still goes on today because bigots really have no creativity. They just repeat what good old Dad did when he was in high school 16 years ago.
Congrats to Omaha South. Maybe next year you guys can get it done. I'm rooting for you.
GO OMAHA SOUTH! There is no longer (and never was, really) any place for the blatant racism and outright ethnocentric snobbery displayed by Lincoln East.