Friday, April 23, 2010

What The Pluck Is Going On In This Nation?

I have no idea if this nation is getting dumber by the day, all because that colored guy is in the White House and white people are going nuts, but some of the dumbest people on earth are rearing their pretty little heads making us look like a nation of mouth breathing dolts. In Nevada, Republican Senate candidate Sue Lowden has a unique health care plan for you uninsured bums out there. Take a chicken to your local doctor, or offer to paint his gated community mansion, or give him an hour with your 16 year old daughter. whatever, just offer a trade. The doctor will be happy to yank out your bursting appendix for free if you just bring a farm animal along to trade. This is no joke. This is Sue Lowden's answer to health care. Seriously. And this dope is 10 points ahead of Harry Reid in the polls in Nevada? You teabaggers are really starting to piss me off.

Now I have my problems with Harry Reid, but this is a man who took a health care bill unpopular in his own state, in an election year, and got it passed. That's a profile in courage. He's 10 points down? To a ditz who makes Caribou Barbie look like Madame Curie?

Who is this Sue Lowden? Well, she's a former Miss New Jersey, a former TV anchorwoman, a former Nevada state senator, a casino hack with a gaming license and about $50 million in the bank and likes to laugh at questions about assassinations. Once again, she's ahead of Harry Reid by 10 points. Wow?

Russell Pearce is an Arizona state senator who really doesn't like Mexicans. I mean let's face it, this anti-immigration bill signed today by Arizona Governor Jan Brewer (Coward-Az) is not about the "rule of law" as hate-mongers like Pearce and Sheriff Joe like to pretend. It's about cops who now have the power to pull you over and check for your papers being in order, mein Herr. Who will they pull over? Well it won't be blatherers like Pearce or Sheriff Joe or any of the millions of rednecks who reside in Arizona. It'll be brown folks. Brown folks with funny shoes and sombreros I assume. All I can do is parrot Olbermann who warned perennial orange man John Boner to stay the hell out of Arizona. Another thing, that Panamanian John McCain, the soulless bastard he has become, had better have his papers in order or he's in danger of being shipped back to the freaking Canal Zone.

More hilarity from Arizona. The state legislature passed a law stating political candidates had to file their birth certificates or be denied a place on the ballot. Gee, wonder where that stupid idea came from? Once again, McCain better watch it. He's pandering his way not only out of a job, but perhaps out of the country if these leather skinned crackers keep running roughshod over the state with their xenophobic craziness.

I've been to Arizona a few times. It's plucking hot. And apparently plucking stupid. The state that had to be dragged kicking and screaming into allowing the Martin Luther King holiday to be recognized is really going south into dehydrating brain territory. Let's start a national campaign to change the state motto of the Grand Canyon state from "Ditat Deus" or "God Enriches" to "Somos un grupo de retardados".

1 comment:

  1. Our country is in for a severe downward spiral that would make even the Bush/Cheney years look good if the Lowden/Bachmann/Palin/Boehner/DeMint/teabagger brand of Republicanism ever takes control of the White House and Congress! GOD HELP US ALL!
