Thursday, March 18, 2010

Is Fox News Closed On The Sabbath?

Not only does Representative Steve King (R-Ia) have no heart ("the best vote I ever made was against Katrina relief") he apparently has no brain. On the Glenn Beck radio rant, King, a desperate man, exclaimed that the upcoming vote "they intend to vote on the Sabbath, during Lent, to take away the liberty that we have right from God..." . Who cares that the Mormon drunk, Glenn Beck, actually called a Sunday vote to help 45 million Americans get health insurance "an affront to God"? Beck is a morning zoo reject anyway. But King is an actual congressman. Iowa, what the hell is wrong with you people? You live right across the Might Mo from me. You seem like reasonable folks. I mean our congressman, Lee Terry (R-Ne), is a complete tool whose claim to fame was almost getting his ass kicked by Jesse Jackson Jr., but King is a fucking religious nut. And not a very good one at that.

Once again, hey dipshit, the original Sabbath was from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday. Then Rome got ahold of it and had it changed. Are you a Papal puppet? Hey King, To quote Robert DeNiro in Midnight Run, "I got two words for you, shut the fuck up!"


  1. King joins Beck, Limbaugh, Palin, Bachmann, Foxx, Boehner, Liz and Dick Cheney, and Virginia and Clarence Thomas in the big and noisy parade of far-right wacko Republicans who definitely don't belong on the public payroll.

  2. I don't know who dislikes Steve King more, you or my husband. My Steven sends him raging e-mails so much I am afraid we are going to find guys with sunglasses sitting in cars outside of our house watching our every move some day. Mr. King is SO easy to dislike.

  3. Jack: Oh so may names you listed sent chills down my spine. Scary.

    einnob44: Your Steven is a very smart man.He probably dislikes King more than me because he sends him e-mails. I just assume King can't read. Hope all is well.
