Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hey, I Say Something Nice About Michele Bachmann!

In the absence of Keith Olbermann, I humbly submit these Worst Persons In The World.

1) This corporate organization called Blackwater, or Paravant or whatever they call themselves this week is running roughshod over Afghanistan "protecting" the people. Ok, fine. What this "private contractor" is is nothing but a band of overpaid mercenaries who have access to wine, women, and lots of guns. Congressional hearings have shown that this bunch of cowboys like to treat the Afghan National Police arsenal like their own private gun store and the citizens of Afghanistan like shooting range targets. Oh and they have a sense of humor. When they steal guns, presumably to sell to the Taliban at gun shows, they like to sign their names as Eric Cartman. Haha. Whoever said psychotic religious fanatics like Erik Prince don't have a sense of humor?

2)Representative Trent Franks (R(what else?) AZ) wandered off the Planet Earth last week by stating to somebody who was actually taping him that "far more of the African American community is being devastated by the policies of today than were being devastated by the policies of slavery". Yeah he said that. To be fair, he was saying this in response to a poll he pulled out of his ass that said "50% of all black children are aborted". They love that comparison, don't they? Abortion and slavery. First, Trent, no black children are ever aborted. Fetuses are aborted. Second, STFU.

3)Senator Jon Kyl (R-AZ again?)says that unemployment benefits encourage people to sit around on their ass and not look for a job "because people are being paid even thoough they're not working" and " the same thing with this COBRA extension and the other extensions here". It is well know that Kyl is a tool, a dishoest tool at that. After all, this jackass is former bribe giver, or lobbyist as they prefer to be called. Does this idiot ever look at unemployment stats? Of course not. That would involve some sort of linear thinking. Kyl needs to be unemployed ASAP.

4) Senator Jim Bunning (R-KY) was holding up the extension of unemployment benefits that Kyl so despises. Standing there all alone in the Senate, like an aging pitcher unwilling to admit he sucks, Bunning yacked and yacked and said Senatorial things like "tough shit" as he objected to everything anybody offered to him. Bunning is hated by virtually everybody in the Senate, including his chinless compatriot from Kentucky, Mitch McConnell. Bunning finally gave up his one man shelling when Gene Mauch came out and pulled his ass off the Senatorial mound.

5) Representative Steve King (R-Ia) is just a one man gaffe. There are so many things this kook lets fly out of his Jesus-loving mouth that he makes Michele Bachmann (Nut-MN) look like Claire Booth Luce. King felt "empathy" for Joe the Pilot and Joe's famous kamikaze mission into the Austin, Texas IRS building where he killed an innocent father of six. King also called for the "implosion" of rest of the IRS buildings. Hey,dipshit, if it wasn't for the IRS, your sorry ass would not get paid. Geez, on second thought.......

1 comment:

  1. Man, what a murderers' row of mean-spirited losers! Max's Dad, you've gone beyond Olbermann's bronze, silver, and gold here to create two new categories of worsts: diamond and platinum, too!
