Monday, February 8, 2010

When's That Purty Lady Talk?

The National Teabaggers, all 600 or so, met in Nashville to listen to speeches so outdated they would have fit well in the Old South. But as the Who sang yesterday "Meet the New South, same as the Old South" or something similar. If it wasn't Tom Tancredo calling for literacy tests to be able to vote, which would eliminate him and pretty much the rest of these buffoons, it was that nut Joe Farah, of World Net Daily obscurity, claiming there was more evidence of Jesus Christ's birth than Barack Obama's birth , or some Northern Retard asking how that hopey changey stuff was workin for ya.

These people are among the most pathetic dregs of humanity we have left in this nation. These are the remnants of the George Wallace movement of the late 60's. Completely white and pissed off they don't have the advantage to walk in and not be bothered by those pesky minorities any longer, they lash out at anyone they perceive as weaker than them because they lack the intelligence and courage to look up at the real culprits causing their lives to stagnate.

Enjoy the attention, teabaggers. Chrissakes, even that Minnesota lunatic, Michele Bachmann bailed out on your little hootenanny. The Alaska retard, notes written on her hand like a little kid, took you for $100 grand to give a little talk that made My Pet Goat sound like the Gettysburg Address. Don't you people have any respect for yourselves? Being grifted by people like Roy "Ten Commandments" Moore and the Retard From The North is really sad. I almost feel sorry for you.

However, it was a good choice to hold your little Klan rally in Nashville. I'm sure there was some great entertainment there you could see on your downtime. I hear that the devil plays a mean fiddle.

1 comment:

  1. Mooseolini should refrain from verbally defecating on stage as she does - or, at the very least - should wipe her face once sahe's finished. The very sight of her is offensive (to say nothing of the stench). That much gas being expelled on a public stage isn't healthy for the audience, either...
