Friday, February 12, 2010

IQ Tests In! Polar Bears Smarter Than U.S.Senator!

Sometimes the choice of a catch word to describe an event is unfortunate. Global warming is such a catch word. It was the choice of this phrase to describe the obvious (see above) that has allowed really dumb people, and charlatans who appeal to dopes, to capitalize on this recent cold spell and snow barrage that has hit the nation. If I hear one more nitwit with a radio show or some cretin sitting next to me at work utter "so much for that global warming crap" I am going to start screaming something really nasty about James Imhofe knowing that not one of them will know who I'm talking about.
I am no scientist, or even all that bright, but when 95% of a bunch of folks with lots of PH D's and a grasp upon reality tell me that the earth is warming and show me pictures of melting ice caps and a rapidly browning Mt.Kilimanjaro I will tend to believe them. When an overweight radio blatherer or a brain-dead U.S.Senator, or anybody on Fox News disputes what 95% of a bunch of really intelligent folks conclude I no longer wonder why this nation is so full of "morans" (sic).
We all know why conservatives deny global warming. Money. Money. Money. Whether it will be dried up contributions to political hacks, or Ralph and Alice have to help pay to clean up what the human pigs have done, it's money. Laziness and money. It's so easy to do nothing, or be convinced that there is nothing you can do, and that's what these lying litterbugs are banking on. They alleviate guilt by telling Ed and Trixie they can't help and if they try it's all for nothing. So faggitaboudit. Don't contribute to Haiti, don't recycle, don't buy a hybrid, just sit back and self indulge.
These are frustrating times. Conservative talk radio and Fox News have made dimbulbs suddenly feel smart. These are the same people who in a recent CBS News poll said "Gay men and lesbians" should be allowed to serve in the military but balk when the word is changed to "homosexual". The same schmucks who think global warming means it'll never snow again. The same mouth breathers who deny the Holocaust, deny evolution, or deny a certain moose hunter from the north is retarded.
Global warming means the earth is getting warmer. That is undeniable. But it also means the highs are higher and the lows are lower. Kind of like when you deniers go off your meds.

1 comment:

  1. When I look at the likes of Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Gretchen Carlson, Michelle Malkin, and Bill O'Reilly over at Fox "News", it amazes me that a country with the diversity and resources we have can still produce such simple, one-celled brains.
