Tuesday, December 1, 2009

It's Deja Vu All Over Again!

Barack Obama will announce this evening at West Point that a lot of those young men and women in attendance will get to go fight somebody over in Afghanistan. The "somebody" is in question since there's just a few hundred, if that, Al Quaeda guys swinging on monkey bars there. The Taliban? Is that the somebody? Why? The Taliban is never going away. We can be there a hundred years, and the Taliban will still be there. Kind of like the Viet Cong would have never gone away in Vietnam.

This war started back in 2001 as a response to the Taliban's refusal to stop harboring terrorists. The Taliban government went away very quickly as did the terrorists who scattered into Pakistan. A corrupt former oil executive named Hamid Karzai was installed as head of a corrupt government. Does this sound familiar? American soldiers fighting for a corrupt foreign government because American politicians, safe in their gated bunkers, tell them that America isn't safe without a stable Afghan government. This is the same bullshit we heard in 1964. This is the same Bush-it we heard in 2001. Well it's not 2001 anymore. That time has passed. The revenge has been had. 3,000 people died on 9/11/01. How many more must we kill before the bloodlust tapers off? Obama is making a huge mistake.

As for General Stanley McCrystal's request for 40,000 more troops? Who cares what he thinks? This is the man who orchestrated the cover up of the Pat Tillman murder. This is the man whose background lies in so-called Black Ops. Secrecy and lies. Perfect! Yeah ,let him lead the effort in Afghanistan. The truth is a pile of quicksand and Barack Obama is stepping right in it.

If you don't care about American lives, or you still want to kill Afghan civilians, or if Dick Cheney's venom still makes you drool, note this. It will cost $1 million per soldier to get them into Afghanistan. I know teabaggers are very concerned about government spending. How about them apples? That's $30 billion dollars. Thirty Billion at least. On top of the trillion already spent. We all know how concerned you folks are about health care costs. Put that in your teapot and brew it.

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