Friday, July 3, 2009

Say It Aint So, Ho!

The woman has never finished a thing in her life and that holds as the Idaho Idiot resigns as Governor of Fugitiveville surrounded by family and fighting geese. In a normal resignation like this, you would think Moosey McMoose has some sort of scandal brewing just beneath the service. Oh I don't know, she's having an affair with Mark Sanford, she has a long lost child fathered by someone from the ESPN Iditirod crew, she can't read thus explaining her lack of cohesion, Todd's sending her back to the factory for bot-updating, A Rod knocked her up, she got confused and thought she had to resign if Letterman didn't, or perhaps maybe when the Lady Di of the North was still Mayor of Wasilla she awarded a hockey arena contract to a construction company (Spenard Building Supplies, sponsor of the First Dud's snow machine team)and they in return built her house from which she can see Russia? Oh never, not the God-fearing Parah Sailin'.

Normally this would be a no-brainer on why a politician quits like this. But when the no brainer is nucking futs like this no brainer, who knows what's swilling around in that airy head? Fox News is probably already sending someone up there by dog sled to offer her a Hannity co-host spot. Or perhaps this really is a no-brainer. She's as corrupt as she is clueless. Stupid liberals and their anti-corruption laws.


  1. I utterly despise this person. She is the most vain and leastqualified to hold any public office person I have ever seen. She craves attention and behaves as if she never left the high school beauty pageant. She is thoroughly impulsive, opportunistic, self-centered, dishonest, and unscrupulous, and the entire Palin clan is weird. They are the Ma and Pa Kettle family of the north, and they would do the entire world a huge favor by disappearing into the Bering Sea forever.

  2. She represents all that is bad in American politics. I hate to continue victimizing her daughter but..Bristol was raised to save it for marriage and not know about birth control. As any thinking person would know, she got knocked up. Tragedy! Her mother, paraded her in front of all of America as a symbol of the GOP's big tent. Tragedy! Bristol kept the baby rather than give him to a good home with two parents who could give him all he deserves. Tragedy! Now Bristol does her mother's bidding being trumpted as a brave and true champeen of abstinence (Huh?) and as a model of courage when she took the chicken's way out. Tragedy! Harrumph!
